28.) the most beautiful moment in life

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jungkooks pov
she wouldn't talk to me
it was mid-day and she wouldn't talk to me
she hadn't uttered a word to any of us today
we were just practicing in the studio, as normal, but her moves weren't lined up and she kept messing up.
i watched alana approach her
"honey, what's wrong?"
"i need some water."
and she just shuffled away, into the bathroom?
"i'll go get her" yoongi said, carrying her water bottle with him.
yoongi's pov
"go away."
and she threw up
"kelsie you need to answer me."
"what yoongi? please just leave."
"kelsie plea-"
she cut me off, "go."
her voice was stern, so i obeyed.
nobody's pov
kelsie came out of the bathroom, trembling and pale. tears formed at the brim of her eyes and she wiped them away.
"i'm okay. can we please just run it again?"
her voice was faint and weak, but they all agreed.
they started the music, and kelsie was up first.
she sang the first two lines, before breaking out into a sob and sitting on the floor.
jimin was the first to run over to her, engulfing his small arms around her shoulders.
jimins pov
i was the only one that knew why she was crying. i could just tell. jungkook had told me what happened,
she regretted it.
she regretted kissing the boy
kelsies pov
i cant do it i cant.
this doesn't make sense
i need them
this is the best time i've ever had
"please kelsie, what's wrong?"
i began to speak through my sobs
"i..i don't want you guys to go back to korea."
i sobbed even harder
"a..alana got a job offer, back in seoul."
the boys eyes widened
"i- i cant be alone again.."
i began to cry harder
"this..this is my happiness. this has been the most beautiful moment in my life."
they all drew silent and i realized i messed up. i made them guilty. i just stood up and i left.
"where are you going kelsie? we love you!"
"i'm so sorry."
i got in my car and drove away, i was crying the entire way home. i was such a fuck up, such a burden. it was like i was acting as one of those girls in the k-dramas we watch. i was so dramatic. i meant what i said though, i really didn't want to leave them. i didn't want them to go.
4:18 pm
i took a nap, but was woken up abruptly by the sound of 8 people stepping into my bedroom, quietly.
one by one, they piled into my bed.
"hey guys." my tone was soft
"hi babygirl." alana spoke
the rest were silent
"you guys have to leave in two days."
"i know." jungkook sniffled.
"and we don't even know our album title."
laughs erupted from the sad group of friends
"alana, you should go to seoul."
my voice dropped, but i plastered on a smile.
"kelsie, why not come with me? we could live our lives in seoul!"
i chuckled, "oh no lan, my life is right here. in these walls, ill be okay, i promise."
"but kelsie i-"
"go, lana, you should, we'll call everyday."
tears began to form in alana's eyes, yoongi softly rubbed her back. she smiled hastily, "what am i going to do without you..?"
"i'm right here, i always will be."
one day before release.
it was a stressful day, everyone was pitching ideas around but NOBODY could think of an album name.
"i'm lost guys."
"me too."
"me three."
i laid down on the couch, huffing.
"anybody? have anything?" namjoons eyes were desperate for ideas.
my front door opened to reveal my tiny best friend in a pair of mom jeans, and a maroon shirt, eating a bag of chips.
yoongi pleaded, "ughhhh alana, do you have any ideas for our album title?"
she thought for a moment before speaking with a mouth full of chips, "just call it The Most Beautiful Moment in Life."
everyone's eyes widened
"that's actually.. a really good idea."
"all those in favor?"
not a single hand was down.
i guess that settles it!
one more chapter and this book is done guys :(
but only this one ;)

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