27.) tension

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this chapter is a lil different ;) nothing over pg 13 you HORNDOGS. that's for later :D
the next morning
i woke up to a vigorous pounding on my door
i recognized the voice as soon as i heard it
"fucking yoongi. WHATTTT!?"
the pounding stopped and i heard the little blonde man scurry away quickly.
he won't get away with this.
i erupted from my bed and whipped open my door, chasing the little dwarf down my stairs.
as soon as my last foot hit the kitchen floor, a hefty pair of arms swooped me up and firmly held me in its grasp. i kicked and struggled as taehyung covered my mouth in duck tape and put rope around my hands.
what the fuck is happening
i'm going to kill them
i was shoved into my car where yoongi was driving and jungkook, taehyung, jin, and hobi sat as passengers.
"chill" jungkook giggled "you're not gonna die"
next thing i knew we were in the studio, where i was greeted by namjoon, jimin, and alana.
"okay okay dorks, you've had your fun, now untie her." alana chuckled
i shoved away from them with anger in my eyes.
"you have five seconds to tell me what the FUCK is going on before i personally kick your asses."
yoongi stepped in front of me, laughing, "calm down cutie pie, it's time to run through choreography. we just wanted to get your blood pumping!"
jungkook put the duck tape back over my mouth, causing everyone to erupt in laughter, except me. my eyebrows furrowed as i crossed my arms.
"here you go, babygirl." alana giggled, tossing me my gym bag, or what i thought was my gym bag.
i went to the bathroom to get changed, but when i opened my bag? i did not see my regular long white dance t-shirt and baggy black pants, but something way different.

me: what is this?
me: 1 attached image:

                                   alana 😚✌🏼: you're so welcome ;)

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                                   alana 😚✌🏼: you're so welcome ;)

i hate her.
i look..kinda hot?
everything i wear usually doesn't compliment my curves but this? i look really good!
i walked out into the studio, where i met everyone's gaze.
jungkooks pov
alana directed our stretches as we waited for kels, we heard the bathroom door open and looked over to see..
she looked, hot.
so, so hot.
god i could just grab that fuc-
"you ready kook?"
i snapped out of my gaze and quickly nodded my head.
"uhm, mhm."
oh god.
kelsies pov
namjoon started the music, the first song was silver spoon. my solo was coming up and i was feeling my.self.
jimin and hobi choreographed this dance very..sexually? who cares, not me.
"they call me..."
jungkook's pov
i couldn't take my eyes off of her, she was just, magical.
her hips moved and swayed as she sang her part.
"they call me.. ooh! baepsae."
i needed her.
i wanted her.
holy go- ow!
kelsies pov
i watched jimin and jungkook headbutt. i stopped singing and we all rushed over to them.
taehyung spoke, "jimin, jungkook~ah are you okay?"
"i'm okay."
"me too."
i sighed a sigh of relief and helped jimin up while yoongi helped jungkook.
"what's going on with you today, kook? that was a mis-step on your part, not jimins."
"i know..i know. i'm sorry i just got distracted."
i felt a pinch on the back of my arm, i whipped around to face alana.
"YOURE the distraction!" she whisper yelled. i was confused, how?
"what? how?"
"look at you!! you're so fine girl, i'm surprised they're all not drooling over you as we speak."
i rolled my eyes at her comment as i focused on jungkook.
"hey, are you okay?"
his cheeks flushed a bright pink as his eyes gazed quickly up and down my body. he nodded his head quickly and scurried away.
maybe she was right?
he was flustered beyond compare.
no no, i'm sure im overthinking.
"alright! run it again!"
we were a hot mess by the time we got home. i let one of the five boys use my shower and the rest use the guest bathrooms. jungkook and yoongi sat on one side of the pool while alana and i sat on the other.
"two showers are open!" a cheery taehyung called, stepping outside.
alana and i looked at each other
"oh you and jungkook go ahead, alana and i will stay out here and wait."
the shower was beating against my skin, i turned it off and stepped out.
i heard two knocks at my bathroom door
"uhm, hey kelsie? can i come in?"
"jungkook, i am naked."
"but, i need my comb."
i laughed, "no."
my bathroom door swung open, it was indeed jungkook, with a towel wrapped around the lower half of himself.
i calmly wrapped the towel fully around my body before throwing my bottle of face wash right at his head.
"ha! babo!"
i grabbed the comb from under the sink as baby jungkook rubbed his head.
"that hurt! you're so mean to me."
i ignored his comment, rolling my eyes. stepping closer, heleaned into me. practically whispering..
"want to make it feel better?"
my eyes widened a tad.
"kelsie may!!! i need a showerrr!!"
i jumped back
"leave!! i'll be done in a second."
i pressed the comb against his hand and waved him away.
"uhm uh, you should probably uh, go get some clothes on. wouldn't wanna uhm, keep the boys waiting."
his cheeks flushed as he looked down in sadness in embarrassment. he managed to flash a smile.
"okay, thanks for my comb."
i closed the door behind him
what did that boy want from me.
it was dinner time and was just a normal evening. all the boys, including alana and i, sat on the sofa and chairs watching a korean drama.
with a mouthful of popcorn, alana spoke, "i don't understand the plots of these shows. they're so cheesy."
taehyung tossed a noodle at her head
"the fu-? i should get going, this is confusing and i wanna go to bed. you guys give me gray hairs and i'm 20 years old.
she gave me a hug, and left.
"i'm gonna go to bed too, okay? i think we all need some rest." i blew them a kiss and walked up to my bedroom.
4:19 am
so much for sleep.
i just keep thinking about what happened with kook today. he was acting different, weird. he hadn't said a word to me since that bathroom thing. what was that? god i am such an idiot.
on cue, my phone dinged.

jungkook~ah: hey jagiya

me: hey kook, why're you awake?

jungkook~ah: i can't stop thinking about you

me: really? i feel the same way.

jungkook~ah: you have no clue.

before i could respond, my bedroom door slowly opened. i leaned up from my bed to reveal him standing there with a blanket in hand.
"jungkook? what're you doing?"
he took a few steps forward, and hopped on my bed, smiles plastered on his face.
"i need you, kelsie."
and he pressed his lips onto mine
but not the delicate touch
the hungry, almost forceful touch.
he pressed my shoulders into my bed
slipping his tongue into my mouth.
i don't know what i was feeling right now
but i liked it.
it was like a relief to the tension.
he pulled away, smiling
now, let's sleep.

80 worlds apart. | j. jungkook {completed}Where stories live. Discover now