33.) great!

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"her what?"
i tried to step in, i knew alana's "i'm gonna kick your ass" face anywhere.
"yeah we met a few days after you guys left, actually." i said, trying to clear the air.
the boys glanced over at alana, preparing to hold her back at any second. they had worried, nervous looks on their faces.
alana took a step closer, "wow what a coincidence, I'M actually kelsie's dance partner."
kaylee's face grew irritated, "no, that was before you decided to leave her."
"well for your information i-." alana was cut off.
"hi! i'm taehyung!"
thank god
yoongi quickly grabbed alana while kaylee was distracted and pulled her to the side. taehyung made basic conversation while i went to speak to alana.
hastily, i began to speak, "lan, listen."
"honestly i don't care kelsie. you're allowed to have friends. it's just the fact you replaced me."
she was the one that left me.
"you left me."
that took her aback, she looked at her feet and then back up at me and spoke.
"it was for me.."
tears formed in my eyes,
"then don't expect me to wait around for someone who has bigger and better things to do than sticking with their day one."
before alana could say another word, namjoon and seokjin approached us.
"hey kelsie, thanks for your hospitality but we're gonna go to a hotel for tonight. we're super tired. alana? yoongi?"
and with that, every single one of them was gone from my house.
kaylee was gone, she was frustrated and just wanted to go.
what just happened?

me: damnit can you please come back here

kaylee: dude idk
kaylee: i didn't know i was walking into a war zone
kaylee: i didn't know she was like that bro

me: can you meet me at the studio? or a bar? i need some drinks.

kaylee: alright dude.

yoongi's pov
we all got ready for bed, we just needed some sleep. jungkook insisted on alcohol, shocker right?
he wasnt very tired and neither was taehyung or namjoon, so they went to get drinks.
i sat in bed, talking to alana.
"she was right."
alana? admitting she was in the wrong?
"i left her."
i rubbed her back, and leaned on my shoulder and looked up at me. tears filled her eyes, "i'm really lucky to have you, yoongi."
she leaned in, and kissed me.
our lips met, soft like butter. i ran my fingers through her deep brown hair as a soft, quiet, breathy moan escaped her lips.
i pulled away mesmerized, staring into her eyes.
"go lay in your bed, it's time for sleep."
she smiled and nodded, walking out of my room and into hers.



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kaylee: @kelsieee late night dance practice.

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i woke up on the floor of the dance studio, not surprisingly, considering it's where i woke up most mornings.
i read a note that had been sat beside me in bright pink paper.

dear kelsie,
i had an early session today so i couldn't stay. so sorry luv! hope you get everything worked out with your friends. they really love you, you know? taehyung was worried sick about jungkook, some stuff went down last night but you gotta text him. okay? love you bunches, text me soon.
kaylee <3

i smiled at the note, putting it down and picking up my phone. quickly, i picked up my phone to check my text messages. there were about 900 million missed calls and instagram notifications.
oh god

10 missed called from kim taehyungie 🍪
3 new messages:
kim taehyungie 🍪: i don't understjnd whu evry1 is so madd at chu
kim taehyungie 🍪: youre mu whittle google bear
kim taehyungie 🍪: come ovjer tommwoe plrase jehe love u kelsie 💓💓💓💓💞🥰🥰💞🥰💗

taehyung's obvious drunkenness make me laugh, until reality sat in.
everyone is mad at me.
great! just great!
god this is not how i expected this to go
so much had happened in the last 24 hours i don't even think this is gonna work out anymore.
i decided to get changed and go over to the hotel, it was already 11 am, what's the harm?
i needed to apologize to them, to all of them. i left them so abruptly and i just needed to apologize the only way i knew how.
with food.
so my apology was going to be first, and then if they didn't agree i'd bring out the big guns.
i put on some gray plaid pants, a black sweater, and my doc martens and i was out the door.
i stopped at the korean convince store i often visited when the boys left.
grabbing everything i know they liked, i loaded it into my car and brought it to their hotel. i prayed this would work, i loved them so much.
nobody's pov
kelsie knocked on the door of the suite, praying for an answer. a big, white plastic bag in her hands.
the door swung open, it was taehyung. he did not look happy to see her, but when he finally realized who it was, his eyes filled with glee.
"kelsie!" he wrapped her in a tight hug, squeezing her torso.
she smiled wide, "can i talk to everyone?"
the sound of shuffling footsteps quickly stopped as everyone sat on the couch.
"taehyung this better be important i- kelsie.."
"hey kook, hey guys."
alana glared at her, everyone else looked with soft eyes. "i just wanted to apologize. i'm really sorry for hurting you guys."
everyone sat silent, except for when yoongi spoke up,
"so you guys are just gonna let her take the blame?"
kelsie smiled slightly, quietly thanking him for sticking up for her.
"we are all in the wrong you guys know that right? we are all adults and we're acting like children."
everyone nodded in agreement.
kelsie spoke up, "i guess the fact that i brought all this food doesn't help the fact of us acting like kids, huh?" they all stood up, cheesy smiled on their faces as they smothered her in big hugs. "can we please try this again guys?" she asked, separating from their hugs and gazing up at them.
"of course"
jungkook's pov
we all sat on kelsie's living room floor eating kimchi, various sorts of ramen, and pork belly.
i noticed someone wasn't shoveling their food down like the rest of us, who do you think that would be?
i leaned over to her, but she flinched when i got close. "jagiya why aren't you eating your food?"
she looked at me and then looked back down at her food.
"i am." she responded plainly, studying her chopsticks. i narrowed my eyes, causing her to look at me. "what? i am. see?" kelsie grabbed her ramen bowl and shoved it in my face goofily. i laughed, nodding my head.
"okay jagiya."
we continued to eat, but kelsie still resented.
i looked at her, getting annoyed. everyone had left the room to go nap, which was reasonable..jet lag sucks. kelsie began to speak, ignoring the obvious fact of her not eating her food.
i swiftly cut her off, "why aren't you eating?"
she rolled her eyes, "i am."
i was fed up of her lying so i grabbed her bowl and chopsticks and picked up some noodles. taking her chin in my hand caught her off guard, but i firmly jerked her head towards mine. not to hurt her, but to make her understand. a wave of excitement rushed over me as i spoke in a low, serious voice, "now eat, jagiya."
her eyes widened quickly, but she shoved it aside and calmly took the bite off the chopstick. "whatever" she said, getting out of her chair.
i furrowed my eyebrows as another wave of curiosity flowed through my body. walking up to her, i slammed my hand against the wall, trapping her.
her eyes widened, i quickly realized why was happening and backed away, not saying a word.

80 worlds apart. | j. jungkook {completed}Where stories live. Discover now