18.) sticking up for whats right. #pridemonth

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alana and i were cool now, i think. we just drank all the chocolate milk and cried for the rest of the night.
i was scrolling through instagram under the #pride when i saw some verified girl making dumbass comments under posts.
"being gay is just a trend"
"that's fucking stupid"
who ever this girl was id fucking smash her face in.
many people were attacking her so i decided not to say anything.
until i got and @ from a fan.
@kelsie this chick @kayleez is literally stealing all your music ideas wtf.
i clicked on kaylees page and she indeed was stealing my song ideas.
without a trace of remorse.
i obviously had to do something so i dm'd her.

kelsie: could you please stop stealing my song ideas? be creative! maybe singing isn't your thing!

kayleez: how rude and inconsiderate of you!
i have feelings too.

kelsie: i think it's inconsiderate of you to not care enough about how i feel about you stealing my songs.

kayleez: whatever bitch. your fucking music sucks.

kelsie: alrighty then.

its the next day and im at pride with alana when all of a sudden i hear a voice, an oddly familiar one too, shouting transphobic slurs at some of the people in front of me.
oh my god.
i whispered to alana my situation and she encouraged me (probably more than she should've) to go talk to her.
"hey! kaylee!"
"what do you-? ohhhh, it's youuu." she chuckled, turning around.
a small crowd began to form around us.
"okay so first you steal all my song ideas, and are a major bitch about it. and then you are a transphobic asshole. wooow. i expected more from a two-time half-asser." i snarkily remarked.
people began to record. i didn't care. this bitch was pissing me off.
"oh back off, cunt. these people are nothing but attention whores begging to stand out. just. like. you."
she shoved me backwards.
"lay one more fucking hand on me and ill slap you so hard maybe ill actually give you some song ideas."
"oh please, do it."
she spit in my face.
i was so done.
i punched her right in the face, causing her to tumble to the ground. she got back up and grabbed ahold of my hair. i grabbed her arm and twisted it backwards. she clawed my face, i could feel her nails sinking into my skin. i attacked her with punches, beating her over and over and over.
alana pulled me away after about 20 seconds.
"i think she got it."
"that'll fucking teach you to disrespect the lgbtq community and be a little song stealing bitch."
cheers erupted from the crowds.
stand up for what's right.

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