Chapter 7: Ascension, The Power Of A Mutated King Piece

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I’m sorry katusei, but you're goanna have to sit this one out… these guys are too dangerous, plus you’ve only fought with normal humans and these guys surpass them by a huge margin… protect our classmates if trouble spreads here, ok… you said to her, then kissed her forehead and headed out. Be careful you guys… She said as she ran back to the lobby. We will… you said telepathically to her as you went in hiding once again. \It’s time to unlock your mutated king piece y/n, so that you can better control your demonic energy and help your friends… so let’s begin…\Alchemy said, then you got in a meditative state, hence, accepting your devil side into your genes. \the devil and the demonic form shall become one, once this process is completed, you can go and help the others… Alchemy said then everything went blank for a minute, then I woke up seeing a dark humanoid being with crimson eyes chained up to an huge tree. Well, well, well, If it isn’t me… the thing which turned out to be me in my demonic form said as the chains binding him broke. W-what the hell is this… you said in astonishment. \partner… it seems like the powers you obtain that goes berserk and refuses to be controlled, you’ll have to fight and defeat them, so that you can have absolute control of it… I recommend you fight your demonic power with your fallen angel form…\ Alchemy said. Right… you said as your six grey angelic wings sprouted from your back, a silver halo over your head and your eyes turn bright cyan, then your demonic sprouted six crimson demonic wings from its back, a black halo with a silver edge and two horns. Here I come! It shouted as it dashed towards you. Alchemy!… you shouted as you kicked your demonic form square in the face, then a holy rapier sword appeared in your hand, then you slashed at its head, but it dodged your attack and jumped back a few feet. My, my… y/n why so serious… it said while creating a huge ball of demonic energy. Tch… Amplify! you and Alchemy shouted as your cloak appear and your aura flared to life. Shinu!!! You’re demonic form shouted, then launched the huge ball of demonic energy at you, then you flu up to the ball a sliced it in two, making it explode while damaging you a bit. Haha! you don’t deserve my power weakling! It shouted as it dashed at you and kicked you in the stomach, then created small ball of demonic energy and fired it at your stomach, causing you to spit up a shit load of blood. D-damn it… you said as you fell to your knees. D-damn he’s strong… but I can’t give up… I have to help Rose and the others… you thought as you got back up with a serious expression on your face and you turned back to normal. \What are doing partner, you can fight him in that state…\ Alchemy said worried. I know what’s my purpose for fighting now… you said, then took a deep breath. Purpose you say, haha! isn’t it obvious, to win of course! Your demonic form shouted as it made a massive spear of demonic energy and threw it at you a blinding speeds. \look out y/n don’t be reckless! \ Alchemy warned. I am y/n l/n, a being that has lost his origins and wish to once again grasp them, I will control these powers I’ve been training so hard to control… obey me my demonic kindred!!!, you shouted as one of your eyes turn bright crimson and the other bright red, ten crimson demonic wings sprouted from your back and two demonic like horns grew form you skull with a black halo with a silver edge over them, then the massive spear of demonic energy vaporized from just your glance. \Y-you’ve done it… you controlled you demonic, vampiric and devil form! \ Alchemy said excitedly. Yeah… but I still have others to master, plus I still have to reach leader class in my fallen angel… you said as your clenched you fists. Don’t get too cocky brat… your demonic form said while fading into you. Why’s that? you asked. Out of all the powers you contain…. your true dragon god form and your true god form is goanna give you hell to control… it’s goanna take a lot more than just accepting them to control the power… especially “that” last form of yours… it said then got fully absorbed. So… I have three more forms to master huh…True Dragon god form, True God form and “That”… I wonder what he meant by “that” last form… you thought. \I swear to you y/n… I will never doubt you again and I’ll tell you about my other power, my true form… once you’ve awakened your true dragon god form…\ Alchemy said in an honest and serious tone. Alright buddy… lets join the battle… you said then faded from the dimension.

Small time skip brought to you by chibi Issei and the others fighting the enemies

R-rose!!! you shout as you saw her falling from the sky as Asia healed her, then some meteors flu pass you and landed a direct hit on her. Oh… my name is Heracles and who might you be… the attacker asked. I’m the guy, whose first girlfriend you just attacked… you said with your bangs covering your face. It’s y/n! the others said. Where were you bro? kiba asked as he struggled to get out of some rubble. I had to take care of something… I’ll tell you about it after I murder this insect… you said as you flu over to rose with telekinesis. He can carry his own wait with telekinesis now… he’s gotten a lot stronger in his base form now… Xenovia thought as she got up as well. You dare ignore me weakling! Heracles shouted. Heracles! don’t underestimate him… like me, has an immensely powerful sacred gear….. the Chaos gear… Cao Cao said, which earn shocked expressions from everyone present. What? I thought he posses the Infinity Arsenal… Irina said, earning nods from everyone. He does… but he possess the Chao gear as well, sealed with in the original Longinus he has… Cao Cao said. If it’s sealed, then he won’t be a problem! Heracles shouted while shooting a barrage meteors at you, which all seemed like they landed a direct hit. Hmmp! Weakling! He shouted with a cocky grin. Rose… I’m sorry I wasn’t here to protect you… I swear on my life… I’ll never let anyone harm you because of my absence ever again!!! you shouted as you Demonic Devil aura flared to life, clearing the dust and smoke, reveling you True Demonic devil form. What a strong aura… it belongs to the original demons and the current demons as well… Georg said in astonishment. Asia… heal my Rose for me… you said in a semi-demonic voice. Y-yes, Asia replied as she begun healing her. Then you created a humungous ball of demonic energy and shot it at Heracles, knocking him out instantly. You’ve not only made an enemy of peace… but also an enemy of y/n l/n the descendant of the original beings whom were the first to truly walk this fucked up world! You shouted while radiating massive sources of Demonic Devil magic. Hmm… you truly are a monster y/n, no wonder Vali speaks so highly of you and you also, Issei Hyodo… he always talks about whoever gets the chaos gear reincarnated in them can kill any being that exists… even gods… That is why I must eliminate you and take that sacred gear for myself! Cao Cao shouted then dashed at you. Bring it on lowly human… you said and dashed at him with blinding speed, then summoned a great demonic sword and blocked his slash at your stomach, then he extended his spear and pierced you left leg causing you unimaginable pain. This is also an original Longinus y/n, the holy spear, this baby here can cause severer damage to your kind he said with a cocky grin, that made you grin as well, then transform in your fallen angel form, sprouting ten grey angelic wings, while removing his spear from your leg. W-what’s this… you can change your race at will! He shouted in disbelief as he jumped back a few feet, then you summoned a holy sword and dashed at him, slicing his leg. Argg! damn you! He shouted, then fired a holy beam at you which you dodge with eased and teleported behind him and kicked him to Issei’s direction. W-what?! Issei shouted. Take care of that asshole for me ok, I’m not at my best right now because of various reasons, so I’ll protect the girls for now… you said as you flu toward kunou and Asia’s direction. I understand! Issei replied. H-how dare you fight me and leave me without finishing the battle Y/N!!! Cao Cao shouted furiously. Like y/n said… you’re fighting me now… Issei said in a serious tone. Very well… I’ll take you down, then finish my battle with y/n… Now, show me the powers of the red dragon emperor he said while calming down a bit, then dashed at Issei. Asia, how’s Rose doing?, you asked as you rubbed her cheek gently. She’s doing fine, but the others… they all lost! Asia said while on the brink of crying. That’s it!!! I’m not letting anyone die today, not while I’m around you shouted, then dashed at Cao Cao’s crew. Balance Breaker, Armor!!! you and Alchemy shouted in unison, then you summoned a black scythe made of both holy and demonic energy, as your eyes turn bright blood crimson and black in the left and Bright cyan and white in the right. He’s using holy and demonic energy at the same time!? Kunou said in disbelief as you dashed at them all at once. What are you waiting for Issei, surpass your limits and protect our friends, Asia is doing the best she can to heal them, Saji is doing his best to help kunou’s mom and I’m goanna keep these guys at bay with all the energy I have left… aren’t you my rival idiot, so kick Cao Cao’s ass!!! I shouted as I blocked siegfrieds swords, then slashed at his stomach, knocking him out with all my might, while breathing heavily afterwards. Amplify! Amplify!, Amplify, Amplify! Amplify! Alchemy shouted, as my gold and blood crimson aura flared to life. Damn it… I have to depend on my sacred gear because I’m out of energy, thank God that I have you inside my soul Alchemy!, you thought as you began to charge a humungous slash with your scythe, then a blinding light started emitting from Issei. That’s it! unleash your true power! You can do it! you motivated him. As for you clowns… let’s just say that Cao Cao isn’t getting any back up! You shouted as you then released the slash attack from your scythe, landing a direct hit knocking them all out, creating a gigantic creator. Those guys are strong… but I trained very hard to get where I’m at today… you thought as you fell face flat on the ground. Y-you can do it Issei… don’t lose until I beat you in a fair duel… you said to him telepathically as you collapsed beside Rose because of fatigue. I won’t lose y/n… I swear! Issei thought as Rias appeared from a gigantic magic circle in the sky. Y/n!!! Asia and Kunou called out for you in concern, then everything went blank.

Time skip brought to you by chibi y/n waking up beside the nine tailed kitsune

Argg… my head… you said as you woke up, to Kunou crying in what seems to be her mother’s arms. You’re alright! Rose said as she hugged you tightly. Ow, ow, I’m glad you’re ok Rose… you said with a sweet smile. Good job Issei, Saji… I’m proud to be your rival… you said as you broke the hug. Piece of cake… Issei said as he wiped away his watery eyes and gave you a warm grin. Oh… I sense a great power in you boy, what is your name? a monkey looking guy asked you. M-my name is y/n l/n sir… you replied politely. Hhm.. I see.. You all take good care of this boy… he will prove to be very essential for a peaceful future and also…. he has one foot in the light and another in the dark… unlike you and that blonde fellow over there, your balance in power might be broken, but at the end of the day… you can truly only choose good or evil… he said then hopped on a green dragon and vanished in a blinding light. Was that a warning or an answer to a question deep with in my soul… you thought. \What a wise god… \ Alchemy said.

Small time skip brought to you by chibi y/n sleeping on Rose’s lap

Sir Azazel, Red Dragon Emperor, L/n-kun and all the members of the Gremory family, you have truly helped us greatly… and I thank you… Yasaka said with honesty. Just call me y/n Miss Yasaka… you said with a smile that caused her to blush slightly. R-right… Oh, and after this I plan to meet with The great fighting Buddha and lady leviathan… I wish to cooperate with everyone so that kyoto will never be in the grips of terror by such people … Yasaka said. Yeah, we look forward to it, great leader.. Azazel said, then they all shook hands. I’ll enjoy kyoto with them a bit more until the meeting, so I’ll see you soon cutie… have a safe trip home everyone… Sera said then kissed your cheek. Red dragon emperor… Kunou said shyly. Just call me Issei… he replied with a small smile. I-issei, will you come to Kyoto again? She asked him shyly. Yeah, I’ll come again… he replied with a bright smile. You must! Kunou will always be waiting for you! she said with excitement. Yeah! Issei replied with a smile. Will you also be coming back to visit Y/n… Yasaka asked, while slightly blushing. Of course, I might not be much of a school trip person, but Kyoto’s alright… you said as you waved bye, while boarding the train, then you all left. Oh, what’s this…Yasaka-chan, you like y/n and Kunou-chan likes Issei-kun… Sera said teasingly, causing Yasaka and her daughter to slightly blush. Oh, come to think of it! Issei said as he fell to his knees. What is it Issei?! Asia asked concerned. I forgot to ask Yasaka to show me her boobs as a reward! He cried, then you knocked him out instantly. She was checking me out dumb ass, besides, Kunou likes him although she’s a bit on the young side, he could at least wait for her to get older!… you mentally cursed, then looked at him and chuckled after. Get back in your seat guys, you troubling Asia!, Akia Shouted. Ok, ok geez… you replied as you sat down.

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