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      Before I the story begins, I would like to say something.
This story with have many moments of Anti-Semetism, racism, Nazi/NSDAP ideology references and beliefs.

    And and almost all opinions and/or themes said in this story are purely for realism or plot. None of this is against any person of race, skin, religion, or belief.
I personally do not believe in most of the Extremist NSDAP ideals, and have a respect for anyone and anything.

   If you are uncomfortable with the following themes, or are easily angered, triggered, insulted, or simply hate the subject, read at your own expense;

- Nazism
- Anti-Semetism
- Propaganda
- Murder

- Rape
- Execution
- War crimes
- Minor gore
- Holocaust
- Work/POW/Concentration camps
- General etc.

You have been warned of the topics in this story

All direct characters in this story are purely fictional. Any relation of name, location, or likewise is purely coincidental.


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