Start of a Family

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day five of escaping (con.)

   We stumbled upon a recently killed body, but luckily, it wasn't a human. An uninfected one, that is. I looked around to see if I could find the person who had screamed, but they were nowhere in sight. Or so I thought.

   A boy who seemed to be younger than me hopped out of a tree to our left, causing us all to jump and get into fighting positions. "Woah there," he chuckled.

   I dropped my arms to my sides, "Are you the kid who screamed just a couple of minutes ago?"

   He nodded, "Yeah, I thought I was done for honestly. Are you guys a group?"

   Hyunjin answered, "Yes, we are. We all came from Cardend. What's your name and where did you come from?"

   The latter smiled with full cheeks and replied, "My name's Jisung and I escaped from Direport. I am eighteen-years-old."

   I smiled in return, noting his cute cheeks, and spoke up, "Well, it's nice to meet you Jisung. Us three are just walking and seeing where we end up at the moment, hoping to find a store or a shelter. You're welcome to join our group just as long as you pull your weight and help us out.

   "And you seem to be closest to Hyunjin's age, and Jeongin here is only one year younger than you, and I, Rowan, am almost twenty-one. Because of our ages, we should all get along pretty well." He nods happily at that statement.

   Jeongin whined, "I'm so hungry!"

   I sighed and patted his back, "I know Innie. We'll find some food soon. Let's get going. Are you coming, Jisung?"

   The boy I addressed perked up, "Of course! Thanks for letting me join. I hung my backpack in this tree over here and I think I have some more food, so let me go get it."

   We all nodded and waited just a few seconds until he returned carrying a large black backpack over one shoulder. He dropped it on the ground in front of us, us all standing around it and watching as he unzipped it, revealing multiple items.

   He moved some of the clothes he packed and took out a candy bar and a bag of Hot Cheetos, "I have a bit more than this, but we better ration it until we can get some more. I also have three water bottles in here so that should be fine until then as well."

   I ruffled his hair as he gave the candy bar to Jeongin and let Hyunjin open the bag of chips, "Thanks Jisung, it means a lot."

   He simply smiled in return and zipped his backpack back up and slung it over one of his shoulders, joining us on our journey. Seems like we're really becoming a family here... Man, what a way the world works.

   After a while, the sky became dark with the setting sun and we decided to stop for the night. We hadn't found shelter yet, so our best bet was to sleep under some trees for protection and hope for the best.

   Hyunjin and Jeongin had settled quickly after arriving and were already fast asleep. I took off my hoodie and tried my best to cover the two sleeping figures while I head back and sit down next to Jisung against a large tree. I rub my arms with my hands and close my eyes, trying to get some sleep.

   My eyes flutter open to the feeling of warmth over my body. I look up and see Jisung sitting back after placing an extra long-sleeved shirt over my front and my shoulders. "Thank you," I smiled.

   He showed a smile in reply and went back to doing what it was he was doing. "What is that," I looked down at the notebook he was cradling in his lap while he held a pen in one hand.

   He glanced over at me then back at the book, "I've been writing letters to my parents every night since escaping. They were captured," he trailed off, but managed a sad grin.

   I rubbed the top of his head, "We'll find them, Jisung."

   He leaned his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes after fighting sleep for a bit, humming a reply. I carefully reached over and took the notebook from his lap, closing it quietly and placing it to the side of him, the pen on top. "Goodnight," I murmured before closing my eyes as well.

I promise stuff will start happening soon D: For now, enjoy this soft Jisung moment uwu

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