One Down

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   It was a bit warmer today as we walked towards our ideal destination with the sun hitting our backs. The atmosphere surrounding us was tense and nobody dared to break the silence. Every now and then, Chan would glance at the map to be certain we were headed the right way, but other than that, no sound could be heard except for the soft crunch of the dry ground beneath our tired feet.

   Suddenly, Minho's voice cut through the air like a knife, "Are we almost there, Chan?" The latter sighed heavily and looked down at the map, shaking his head before answering the exhausted boy.

   "We continue straight along this path then make a left in about a mile from here. After that, we keep walking a bit and we should run into the town. Let's hope that's how it all works out."

   Neither words of agreement nor complaining left the mouths of the traveling boys and I walked with my head down, kicking dust up every now and then to keep myself occupied as we trekked the long distance.

   At one point, Jeongin threw up from not eating enough and the heat getting to him. I gave him the rest of my water and patted his back as he heaved. Jisung grabbed an apple out of his backpack and handed it to him once he was done vomiting, and he gladly accepted it, eating it slowly as we got up and started walking once again.

   We eventually made it to the point at which we turned left according to Chan and we dragged our sore feet towards the direction of the supposed town. We walked for about fifteen more minutes until a small building came into sight. Jisung grunted in relief and Hyunjin picked up his pace, nearly jogging towards the foundation.

   "Don't get too far ahead, Hyunjin, you have to be cautious," Chan called. The boy he shouted after raised a thumbs-up in understanding and slowed down just a little. Minho about collapsed upon seeing the building, and the rest of us set forth with fire in our eyes towards our only hope as of right now.

   As we got closer, we noticed it was another convenient store. I guess it lives up to its name. I was the last one to enter, Chan being first, Woojin second, followed by Hyunjin, Felix, Minho, then Changbin, Jisung, and Seungmin, and lastly Jeongin. We all checked the interior to make sure each room was safe and proceeded to gather food and drinks, stuffing our bags with anything we could fit in them.

   Our 'shopping' was cut short by a loud bang coming from the front of the shop. All ten of our heads snapped in the direction of the noise, none of us noticing anything out of the ordinary until it happened again. One of the government-produced creatures rammed into the glass doors with its head, blood splattering against the glass with each blow.

   "Draw your weapons! Be careful and wait for my word to attack. I'm going to open the first set of doors; members with guns, get behind me. Everyone else, be ready if anything happens," Chan orders. Gun in hand, I make my way behind the leader along with Minho and Changbin. Chan makes his way towards the second set of doors that lead to the outside, and raises his knife in preparation.

   He turns to us three with guns, "As soon as I open these doors, I'm going to try to stab it in its head. If I miss, Minho, you shoot it. That should be enough to kill it. I don't want us wasting our bullets on an easy kill like this one and risking more of them hearing it and coming after us.

   "Rowan, get behind Changbin, Changbin behind Minho, and Minho, right behind me." We all nod with the other members ready behind us.

   Minho raises his gun above Chan's shoulder, pointing it straight at the creature's head. Step by step, we get closer to the doors. Chan grips the handle with his left hand, knife in his right and as the blue-tinted human sprints towards us once again, he pushes open the door and swings his knife forward, it colliding with the enemy's head.
   He pulls the blade out quickly and kicks the creature to the ground, blood pouring out from its head as it twitches. It gradually stops moving and we all relax, resuming our shopping spree. We finish about 5 minutes later and head out into the sun once again, stepping over the dead body as we do so.

   "The actual town and other buildings should be right up this road. Come on," Chan speaks with a newly found determination in his voice. I, on the other hand, was completely terrified on the inside but I knew I had to be strong for them and for my family.

I noticed some people were skipping chapters, but I advise you not to. I don't want anyone missing important information and being confused. Thank you :)

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