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   And so the real adventure begins. Changbin is the first to climb up the ladder with Hyunjin, Jisung, and Woojin following him closely. Minho went up after, then Felix, Jeongin, Seungmin, and lastly me and Chan in the back. All of us hunch over and quickly make our way towards the building and try sticking to the shadows.

   A voice rings out through the courtyard and we all whip our heads around, noticing a few guards sprinting our way, "Intruders!" We all sprint in different directions, which was a bad idea, and our group is now split up.

3rd person POV

   Woojin was partnered with Jisung; Hyunjin was with Changbin; Minho, Seungmin, and Felix were now a trio; Rowan and Jeongin were together; and lastly, Chan was left on his own.

   Changbin reaches a set of doors and hastily opens them with Hyunjin right behind him, and they search around while running from a few of the guards.

   On the other side of the building, Woojin and Jisung also find a way in and quietly search around in hopes of finding anything worth finding. They currently didn't have any guards looking for them.

   Minho, Seungmin, and Felix were still running from the guards and took a sharp turn around the building and hid in a bush.  To the side of it was a large vent and Minho smashed it in, opening it enough to where all three of them could climb through one-by-one.

   Rowan and Jeongin manage to find a way in as well and they decide to find a room to hide in until the coast was clear and it was free to roam.

   Chan is currently still running from the guards, trying to find a way in without being followed. He eventually stumbles upon another building attached to the side of the main one and he hurriedly runs inside.

   Jisung whirls around when he hears a sound, but soon releases a breath of relief among seeing who it is. Hyunjin snickers, "Scaredy-cat."

   Jisung scoffs, "Yeah, I'm not sure I want to die just yet. Have you guys found anything yet?"

   Changbin shakes his head and Woojin sighs, "Let's keep looking. Hopefully we'll run into the others." The four of them make their way down a hallway, carefully watching each other's backs and making sure to keep quiet and relatively out of sight.

   Following Minho, Seungmin, and Felix, as soon as they all got through the vent, they landed inside a small room with empty cages and syringes. Felix shivered, "Spooky. Let's go," he leads the way towards the door. However, as soon as he reaches it, it swings open to reveal several guards. Minho attempts to pull out his gun, but is tackled to the ground along with the other two members.

   "Lock them up," one of the officials orders sternly. The others do as told and throw the three into one of the cages, locking the metal door instantly. "We'll test them later. Let's try to find the others for now. Four of you stay here and the rest of us will search the area." And with that, they head out and four stay back to guard the three boys.

I apologize if it's getting confusing right about now. Let me know if you have any questions!!

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