Not as Planned

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Rowan's POV

I speak up softly, "Okay, Jeongin, let's go. Be quiet, though." Jeongin nods his head and follows me out the door. I look both ways before heading out and quickly making my way down the hall and past a few rooms. One catches my eye, however, and I suddenly stop and walk back towards it. I let out a small gasp and call Jeongin over, "Jeongin! Minho, Seungmin, and Felix are in here."

He peeks in through the small window on the door and releases the same reaction I had. He begins to place his hand on the handle to open it but I immediately stop him, "There are guards in there. We have to think this through." He looks at me with a dumbfounded expression. I shrug my shoulders, "Yeah, when do we ever have a plan? Okay, we'll go in there and you use your pepper spray and I'll do my best to fight them off while you free them." He nods and swings open the door, pulling out his pepper spray and waving the substance in the direction of the guards.

While they are distracted by the painful spray, I hit them on top of their heads with my gun to knock them out the best I could. Jeongin runs over towards the cage and looks around hopelessly for a key. Seungmin points to a desk behind him, "The keys are in the first drawer on the right." Jeongin thanks him and hurries over towards the desk, grabs the keys, and heads back over towards the cage and unlocks it with minimal struggle.

I turn around and see the guys finally free and we sprint out of the suffocating room, coughing and squinting our eyes from the pepper spray. As we rush out, we nearly bump into Woojin, Jisung, Hyunjin, and Changbin with terrified expressions and Jisung being carried on Woojin's back.

Flashback- 3rd Person POV

Woojin, Jisung, Hyunjin, and Changbin wander into a room while searching for something- anything. "Oh my gosh..." they all seemingly breathe out at the same time upon noticing the sight before them. A group of people remain trapped inside a cage with chains connected to their ankles. They were obviously test subjects and were already infected, which made it scarier to be in the same room with them.

While looking around, Jisung finds a syringe with an almost clear fluid in it, filled to the fourth line. He picks it up curiously and turns around, lifting it up for his friends to see, "Hey guys, look at this." He suddenly shrieks in pain and drops the syringe, a loud 'bang' ringing throughout the room. Blood pours from his shoulder as he attempts covering it with his left hand, crying out in pain.

The others rush towards him with panic-stricken faces, trying their best to cover up his wound. Changbin turns around to see multiple guards with guns, pointing them at the four boys. He pulls out his own quickly and fires several rounds, not caring if it alerts more officials. Hyunjin helps him fight them with his knife and they successfully get them off their backs, and Woojin gets Jisung onto his; literally.

He huffs as he stands up, "We have to get him some medical attention fast. Come on," he quickly speaks, shoving his way out the door and down the hallway with the other two trailing closely. Jisung had passed out long before-hand and his face began growing pale from the loss of blood.

Chan's POV

My legs burn as I open the door to the smaller building. As soon as I walk in, I'm met with an empty white room with a thick glass wall separating two parts of the room, hundreds of those creatures on the other side. I should have known this was a trap... I turn around to get out but the door is locked and I groan in frustration. The infected on the other side of the wall turn their attention towards me and begin smacking against the glass in attempt to reach me. Even though we're separated, it still frightens me to know they're only several feet away.

Until a loud buzzer is alarmed and the wall begins lifting.

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