Chapter Fifteen

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GRACE KING HAD ALWAYS KNOWN Jason King was perfect

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GRACE KING HAD ALWAYS KNOWN Jason King was perfect. He was her son, after all.

However, not picking up the phone after she'd called him sixteen times was a not-so-perfect trait of him, and it reminded her of the last time this had happened and she'd found out her son was seeing a therapist. After, they'd agreed he'd always call her back and now that he wasn't for almost three hours, Grace was starting to worry. She didn't want to lose her son a second time.

The phone in her hands was ringing and as she was holding it to her ear, she heard a click. Finally someone that picked up.

"Malcolm!" Although she didn't intend to, she sounded desperate.

Her husband greeted her. "What's going on?" His voice was familiar and calming, although the situation reminded her of the one she'd shared with him three and a half years ago when their son had disappeared and wouldn't return until three years later.

"I can't reach Jason," she said. "I've been calling him for three hours, but he doesn't pick up."

"Do you know where he is?" Malcolm asked.

"No, of course I don't! Are you listening? Our son is missing, again!"

"He isn't missing, not yet." Although he didn't sound as confident as he had at the beginning of this call. "I'll look around at the office and ask Audrey where he's supposed to be. Don't stop calling him. If I can't find him here, I'll come home."

"Let me know something soon," Grace said, a tremble in her voice when the last words left her lips before hanging up. She spoke louder when she turned to the maid. "Lilian! I need some coffee, really strong, and as soon as possible."

Then, she let herself fall onto the couch on her back and quickly lifted her arm so she could see her phone screen. Still, no call from Jason. So, she did the same as she did last time she didn't know where Jason was; she called Audrey herself, without waiting for an answer from her husband.

And Audrey, as reliable as she was as Jason's assistant and Grace's friend, picked up almost immediately. "Grace!" she said cheerfully. The last conversation they'd had, much more somber than they usually were, had been forgotten already. "How are you?"

"Bad, really really bad," Jason's mother answered. "I don't know where Jason is." She talked fast, but not too fast for Audrey to not be able to understand her.

Audrey's tone changed almost immediately. "I'll check right now," she said, because she knew exactly what Grace needed from her. "He's not in his office, but..." She paused, and Grace assumed it was because she was checking his schedule. "He's at the airport to say goodbye to Emily."

"She left at noon!" Grace said. "And he can call me back from the airport, can't he? Reception works just fine there." She stood in the middle of the living room and nervously took small steps in no particular direction. "Also, he should be long home already."

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