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This is a double update as per usual- Chapter 25 was uploaded before this so please make sure you read them in the correct order :)

Cameron Dawson

We all stand awkwardly, the words dangling in the air by a thread. It seems that Harley has picked up on it too, slowly moving closer to me by instinct.

"A proposition?" I repeat what Katalina had blurted, incredulity lacing my tone and my eyebrows raising high.

"Yes." She exhales and Ramiro says her name in an almost warning tone but she just responds with a defiant look. The two Kings members alongside Katalina and Ramiro stand stiffly, looking between us and the girl's hand rests on the waistband of her jeans, in case her weapon beneath it needs to be retrieved.

"Nita, Cruz you guys can go. We got this covered. Tell Rob to leave the store, I'll lock up. Be careful alright? They're swarming the streets tonight." She says without looking at them.

The two people she addressed give lingering glances before obediently listening to Lina and leaving the store. We hear them talking to Rob for a short time before the sound of the door closing can be heard. It's then that Katalina lets out a sigh, running a hand through her hair.

A beat of silence passes before Harley says, "So you're both Kings members?" She asks, voice showing her disbelief. Ramiro's gaze lingers on her as he nods before meeting my eyes. They're guarded, not revealing a thing.

"The rivalry between the gangs has never being this intense. Ever." Ramiro explains then. "They're going to go to war before anyone can even register it and before we know it-"

"Concord California will have nothing but blood and dead bodies." Katalina cuts her brother off, giving both Harley and I pointed looks. "Jack wants to turn this place into an empire and spread his influence. The Kings don't want that."

"That still doesn't explain why you're double crossing the gang." Harley snaps from beside me, shoulders squared and her arms crossed over her chest.

"We're the eyes and ears. With Ramiro dealing with so many files and me being surrounded with the members constantly, we're bound to find things out."

"So why should we trust you?" Harley asks and Katalina exhales harshly, almost frustrated that we're not getting it.

"Stop acting like we're trying to kill you, alright? We might be double crossing the gang but if I wanted to kill you, I would have already done it. I made a point to befriend you guys because you're genuinely good people so, please, stop acting like I'm a fucking asshole!" Katalina suddenly says, that fiery and sassy attitude making an appearance. Her eyebrows are pinched together and her lips are turned down into a scowl.

"Lina." Ramiro says to his sister, gripping her arm to get her attention. She looks at him, breathing ragged and eyes wild. Ramiro's hazel eyes look between Harley and I again. He's trying to ground his sister, I can tell. But even I doubt that he'll be able to do that- Katalina seems to be frantic. Angry. And I don't think that's a good combination for her.

"I'm the one who found the video of you killing the officer." Ramiro says, looking at Harley. "Before I could get rid of it, Jack saw it. I'm the one who has dealt with everything regarding it- all the copies, where they are..."

"You're blackmailing us." I breathe out, putting his words together and catching the underlying meaning. Fucking hell. When will someone not have dirt on us so we can actually live our lives?

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