13. Confessions

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“Don’t you think we’re a little overdressed for this?” I asked skeptically as Nick pulled up to a McDonalds about three blocks away from the banquet hall. My eyes swept over his suit and tie, slightly rumpled from the fist fight, before casting down to my high heels.

“I always wanted to eat a double cheeseburger while dressed up like a boss.” Nick chuckled, shutting his engine. “If you don’t like it, we can go somewhere else, but I figured it’s warm and there won’t be anyone we know here, so we can talk.”

I smiled gratefully as I unbuckled my seatbelt. Despite flat-out telling me he wanted a talk, Nick was sweet enough to almost immediately offer to drive me home, two hours before my curfew. I didn’t want to face my parents just yet: a tear-stained face required more explanation than I was willing to provide at this exact moment. After driving out of the parking lot, Nick offered to grab a coffee and a late bite, as we didn’t get to stay for the dessert they were serving at the formal, to which I reluctantly agreed. I knew it would mean that I would have to give some answers, but Nick deserved them sooner or later, especially after taking a punch in the face.

“Do you want anything?”

“A coffee and a muffin is good.” I gave him a small, grateful smile as he pulled out a twenty to cover both our purchases. Unlike me, Nick seemed to be starving – he ordered a big mac combo and upsized his fries. I wrinkled my nose at the smell of the grease: my stomach seemed to be getting upset at anything recently, including the disgusting oils McDonalds seemed to lace their food with. I sipped my hot coffee to quell the wave of nausea that seemed to roll over me.

“Doesn’t this little fast food outing just seem more classy when you’re wearing a gorgeous dress?” Nick winked at me.

“You sure know how to please a girl.” I stuck my tongue out jokingly.

“My pleasure, madam.” He mockingly bowed his head before taking a seat opposite me and unwrapping his big mac. “I will even be so courteous as to offer you my fries.”

“Thank you, but I’m afraid I will have to refuse,” I said, imitating his fake posh accent.

We ate in silence for a few minutes – well, mostly me watching Nick eat as I nibbled at my muffin, not feeling very hungry as I replayed the events of the night in my head. Finally, he broke the tense silence that was starting to form around us. “Do you want to talk about it, Nat? You don’t have to if you don’t feel comfortable.”

I paused, gnawing at my nail as I contemplated whether I would be able to talk about this – something I haven’t done even with my two closest friends. “Nick, be honest with me. How much have you heard?”

He gave me a soft look before reaching his hand across the dirty table to cover mine. “Enough to know that you’re…Well, you know.”

“Yeah.” I paused, biting my lip as I waited for a further reaction from him. “And?”

“I don’t know what happened between you two,” Nick said fiercely, “but no matter what it was, no guy should treat a girl like that. He was fucking cruel to you, and, especially in your position, that’s unacceptable. That’s why I punched him, and for a few other reasons, of course.”

I couldn’t hide the smile that started slowly spreading across my face. He was so darn sweet – how many guys would hear about their date being pregnant and think only about how the other guy was treating her? “Thank you for standing up for me.”

“Oh trust me, it was my pleasure.” Noticing my small flinch at his confident, satisfied words, he backtracked slightly. “Okay, okay, sorry. No more violent talk. But really, why didn’t you tell me?”

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