Short Song Story - Slight Dreammare

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Roller coaster - Jonas Brothers
The bakery was quiet, it was after hours. Dream only had one customer left and since the day had been slow he decided to close up earlier then usual. Mostly cause, the customer was his old friend, Nightmare. He hadn't seen his friend in years, ever since he moved away from California. Now he was in New York, and here was his friend. Broke and homeless. He wanted to know what happened but in the end he never asked. Only offered his home up for the other and let him stay there for as long as he wanted.

He knew his friend wouldn't stay, but he wanted to try. Anything for a friend.

Nightmare was staring at the other as he watched him clean. He didn't change one bit, and sometimes he saw them together. Well, flashbacks of their past. The two use to work at a bakery in a Callifornia, his parents having owned a farm and Dream's? The local bakery. He had visited the bakery as much as he could, and Dream did the same for at his farm. It was nice, all of it.

It was fun when we were young and now were older, Nightmare thought. Then another flashback hit him.

Those days we were broke in California.
Dream and Nightmare smiled and laughed at each other. Nightmare was helping out at the bakery, even having his own uniform.

We were up and down and barely made it over.
The place was as broke as it possibly could be, working from earnings to earnings. It wasn't that their food wasn't good, business just never use to come as it use too. However, Dream and Nightmare didn't care at the moment. They just chatted the day away and laughed.

But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster with you.

Nightmare snapped out of his flashback when he heard his name. Dream was looking at him concerned, probably had just finished cleaning maybe. Nightmare just nodded, slowly getting up. Something inside him telling him to do so.
It was fun when we were young and now were older.

Nightmare walked up to Dream and leaned against the counter, Dream rasing a brow but smiled none the less. Nightmare smiled a bit back. "So.. How are you?"
Those days around the world, they seem to glow now.

Dream, startled at first, responded. Which eventually their casual talk spiraled into them catching up. Then spiraled into more of their old conversations. Laughter coming from the both of them. Dream had actual butterflies in his stomach when Nightmare laughed, and Nightmare? He smiled the brightest when Dream laughed.
We were up and down and barely made it over.

But I'd go back and ride that roller coaster with you.

"Hey Dream," Nightmare eventually spoke. Dream looked at him, smiling his usual smile.


"I wanna stay with you, at your place."

Dream blinked, but then grinned from ear to ear.

And with that the two left, Dream closing up the shop. Nightmare casting a glance to Dream. When Dream was done he looked to Nightmare and smiled. Nightmare smiled back.

"Lets go," Dream spoke. Nightmare nodded, and the two were off.

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