magic touch

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song - For The Last Time by Dean Lewis

~"I told you to go left, then I went right
Though I told you that I loved you, you couldn't tell I was lying
'Cause I put a spell on you
When I put my eyes on you"~

Michael Wheeler was different to the other subjects that she had been given before. He was tall with stretched out limbs, movement hurried and awkward as if he had not quite grown into his height yet. His dark was a mess, straight on the top before it curled around his neck, bouncing with every movement that he made like it was a living breathing thing. The men that she had tricked in the past had been sure of themselves, walking around with confidence as if they could be distracted by any attractive girl that came into their path. But this teenager walked around ignoring the glances of girls around him, books clutched to his chest as if he was afraid that they would be taken from him. She was suddenly nervous, a sick feeling bubbling up within her that perhaps it would take more than her magic to win his heart, as if perhaps he was somehow above all of the simple fools that she had tricked before. 

Her Papa pointed him out from across the street as he dropped her off, the boy quickly disappearing behind another street corner. Jane huffed and followed him, picking up her pace so that she could somehow keep up with his long and nervous strides as if he was trying to avoid everyone around him. She watched him for a while, hands in her pockets as she fumbled with her ring, waiting for the right moment to activate it once she was close enough. Michael stopped outside of a cafe for a moment before changing direction indecisively until he was outside of the local high school. Jane sighed, keeping her head down as she followed him in so that she would not be recognized as someone that was certainly not a student. He finally settled in the library alone, getting his books organised and pencil out as if he had nothing better to do, Jane scoffing at how boring her new subject was. She grabbed a nearby pile of books nearby, fumbling with them for a moment before preparing herself.

She activated her ring, feeling the warmth of the glow in her pocket.

"Oops!" she gasped in fake surprise, knocking into the boy as he stood up to sharpen his pencil. The books tumbled down to her feet, his gaze instantly coming up from the floor to lock onto her, dark eyes meeting her warmer almost-bronze color. 

The first time that she looked at him, she thought of her fairy tales. His skin was paler up close and the smooth surface was interrupted by hundreds of small dots, freckles covering up the expanse of his cheeks and sharp nose in different patterns. His eyes were darker than she would have ever imagined, looking at her with concern and slight intrigue, as if she was something rare that he had discovered. Her mind instantly went back to her fairy tale book, to the moment that the princess met her prince, how his eyes would be full of emotion that would knock her off her feet. He bent down on instinct, nervous fingers clutching at her books until he could hand them back to her, a noble prince's good deed. It was how he looked at her as if she was worth looking deeper, as if it was the first kind of eyes that he didn't fight to avoid. He liked looking into the warm caramel eyes, in fact it was almost like he couldn't bring himself to look away, as if he was stuck in a strange trance. Jane looked at him for a beat too long before she cleared her throat, furrowing her eyebrows before continuing on with the plan. 

"I'm sorry" she searched his eyes, "I didn't mean to bump into you."

He shook his head kindly. "Uh-it's okay. I'm Mike."

"Mike", she took a mental note of his preferred name, looking back down at his work. "What brings you here then, Mike?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Um...studying?"

"Right" she nodded along, "I need to study myself, that is why I am here."

"Do you even go to school here?"

Jane shrugged playfully. "No. I was just bored."

Mike couldn't put his finger on it, but there was something different about the girl in front of him. It wasn't just how pretty she was or how she made his heart beat dangerously fast, it was how sure of herself she was. He had always felt like he could do better, like he was letting down everyone around him just by being himself. But the nameless girl in front of him seemed at ease, as if she floated around like a cloud above everyone else, up in a world of her own. 

"What's your name?" he mumbled. 

She thought for a moment, racking her brain. "Uh, El."

There was a hint of a smile at his lips. "You were so bored that you came to a random school? Don't you have anything better to do, El?"

"What else did you have in mind?" she tilted her head. 

Mike panicked. "I-I wasn't-"

"I know" she rolled her eyes playfully, "trust me, I know. You look like you would faint at the idea of even going on a date, so we will save that for later. In the mean time, I'm sure we will randomly bump into each other again...especially if I try hard enough."

He stumbled over his words. "I-I...what do you-"

"It was nice to meet you, Mike" she grinned, holding out her right hand. 

Their hands cautiously met, fingers clasping each others as their palms pressed together lightly. In that moment, it felt as if the magic running through her bones was sprouting from her hands, her ring pulsing magic through his skin like a strange melody. For a moment she paused, feeling tingles in her own veins as if the magic was transferring between them, igniting the atmosphere instead of draining the power from her. She had always felt tired after using her magic, as if somebody was sucking the life out of her like a dead battery, her body needing time to recover after giving away so much. But as their hands met and shook hesitantly, whatever magic was brewing between them, it almost poured more life into her heart. 

Mike suddenly breathed out a small laugh, eyebrows furrowing. "That's a cool ring. It looks like it is glowing somehow."

Jane forced out a laugh. "Batteries."

After a moment of awkward silence, she deposited the random books down on the shelf again, stuffing her hands back into the pockets of her denim jacket. Mike stared at her strangely, tilting his head as if he was trying to work her out, unaware that she was already controlling him. He was wrapped around her little finger and he didn't even know it yet. 

"So you think that we will meet again?" he eyed her weirdly. 

She turned to him with a smile. "Oh, I know we will."


I know these chapters are shorter at the moment, but this story isn't long anyway and when we get deeper into the story, they will get longer. But that is it for now! I will update again next week with more from this story, with Jane watching Mike and them getting to know each other more with her new identity. I hope you enjoyed them meeting and how her magic is already taking effect on him, something that will be the main part of the story and what happens between them. 

Feedback is really appreciated, so I really hope that you guys leave comments and tell me what you think so far! What do you think will happen next and what has been your favorite part? I am so excited to continue this story for you all<3


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