casting a spell

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song - If I Could Fly by One Direction

~"I've got scars even though they can't always be seen
And pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing
Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless"~

All of her life, Jane had been showed off to those around her. Her Papa had flaunted her beauty as often as he could, basking in the glow of her limelight as if it would make him successful. For a long time she was happy with her appearance, a warm feeling settling into her stomach whenever she looked at her smile in the mirror, the feeling of contentment. But over time, things had changed. She started to look at her glowing smile in another way, seeing the dullness in her sparkling eyes and focusing on widening them with innocence instead of finding the color pretty. It was as if the curve of her cheekbones and softness of her lips were no longer special, they were almost necessary. They were only something that kept her pretty enough to continue her destiny, something that she needed to be useful

"Turn around..." she sang to herself softly, in the mirror. 

Ever since she was little, she had enjoyed singing whenever she was given the chance. Jane never knew anything about her mother, Papa refusing to say anything about the woman that gave birth to her, claiming that Jane was created in her own special way. But as Jane found a book on the reproductive system and child birth, she knew that there must have been more to the mystery of her upbringing, something that everyone else seemed to skillfully avoid when she asked the question. She sometimes wondered what her mother was like, whether she would have the same golden brown eyes and bright smile, or whether she would be the complete opposite - only sharing her kind soul. Jane wondered whether she liked to sing, humming lullabies to her daughter when she was too young to remember, before Papa stole away all of her fairy tales. Whenever she started singing, it somehow made her feel closer to the woman that she would never meet, the woman that was somewhere far, far away. 

She picked up her hairbrush. "Look at what you see..." she hummed softly, smiling to herself and tilting her head back as her growing locks spilled across her shoulder blades. "In her face, the mirror of your dreams..." 


The warning in his tone made her drop the brush. 

"Jane" he repeated, slightly softer as he stepped forward. He picked up the brush, tutting slowly at the small dent that she had made in the shiny side by dropping it on her dressing table. "I brought you this mirror, do you remember? Now it is broken, isn't it?"

"I'm sorry, Papa" she whispered, head hanging low. 

The man watched her for a moment, hair brushed perfectly and small smile obedient. He crouched down, poking her cheek until she smiled, giggling lightly at his playfulness. "There's that pretty smile! Why the sour face, Jane?"

Her tone was unsure. "I-I don't know, Papa."

"You are going over to the boy's house tomorrow, is that right?" he asked, gently taking her hair and pulling it back into a ponytail. 

Jane meekly nodded. 

He pursed his lips. "Good, because I need you to get some information on Ted Wheeler. If he is working his usual schedule that I have kept monitored, then he will be at work while you are with his son. Make sure that you check the house, okay? He could be hiding information in a study...or even in their bedroom. Whenever the boy looks away or leaves you for a moment, make sure that you find me something useful. Is that possible?"

"Of course" her voice was less certain than usual, "I will find something."

He kissed her forehead. "That's my good girl."

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