Chapter 3 (Tyler's POV)

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What the hell is wrong with me! This is just another girl! Why does she mean so much to me! I shouldn't care about her, but I do!

Andy was all I thought about while I sat there in the library.

She just left, and I wanted to cry

I could still taste her on my lips.

I wanted her, I wanted only her from now on.

I had a feeling that she didn't want me.

I wanted what I could not have.

I sat there for about half an hour longer until I got my phone and called up Brandon.

"Sup?" I heard his voice on the other end.

"Hey, I need a favor" I said.

About ten or fifteen minutes later I pulled into his drive way.

His parents weren't home and he had beer.

I needed a night out with the guys, to get Andy off my mind.

We all gathered in his back yard around the fire.

Luke brought out the beer and handed it out.

"So, which one of your whores is on you're mind now?" Will asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Come on mate, I can see it in your eyes" Will said in his perfect British accent.

"There's no one" I lied, looking down at the beer bottle in my hands.

"Come off it mate, who is it?" Will asked.

"Yea who is it?" Justin asked.

"It's no one okay?" I said taking a swig of my drink.

"Oooooooo, Tyler's finally settling down!" Brandon said.

"Shut the fuck up" I told him.

"Is it Angela?" Will asked.

"No no no, she's terrible, I was in her last week, not exactly the best choice I've ever made" Justin said.

"It's gotta be someone hot though, He's the guy that gets the hot ones" Brandon commented.

"Ana?" Will asked.

"Nope, you'll never guess" I told them.

"Oh! So there is someone!" Justin exclaimed.

"What about Kayla?" Luke asked.

"No" I said.

"Andy?" Justin asked.

Damn it!

"Hell no" i lied.

"She's a nerd, top of her math class I heard" Will said.

"But she's hot" Justin replied.

"She does had a nice body I'll give her that" Will said.

Brandon knew it was her, I told him everything that happened earlier on the phone.

I glared at him, warning him not to say anything.

"It definitely not her, Tyler wouldn't go for a nerd" Brandon said without any doubt on his voice.

"Then who the hell is this girl?" Justin whined.

"I'm not telling any of you shit" I said taking another swig of my drink.

"You guys fuck yet?" Luke asked.

"Hell to the yea" I lied.

Despite what I told my friends, I was actually a virgin.

Sure I had girlfriends and I acted like a bad ass, but I'd never actually been laid.

No one knew that, not even Brandon, and I told him everything

"So in other news, I got a girl" Will said.

Will was pretty attractive in the eyes of girls, but he wasn't crazy so he only every got the nice girls.

It was good for him because he never wanted to take advantage of a girl, he wasn't a player like the others, he treated his girls like princesses.

Justin on the other hand was the exact opposite.

He was a hardcore player who's goal was to get with every hot girl that attended our high school.

Brandon and Luke were brothers and both were a mix between Justin and Will.

"Yo, Ty!" Brandon called me.

"What?" I asked.

"Come help me get the rest of the beer" he said.

I knew he didn't need help but I followed anyway.

"What's up man?" Brandon whispered.

"Nothing" I shrugged setting my drink on the counter.

"Dude, you've never been this....stressed over a girl before" he said.

"This ones different" I said sitting on the counter.

"Tell me" he said.

"I want her, but I don't think she wants me, and it's driving me crazy!" I said looking at my hands.

He probably thought I was acting like a pussy

"Dude, that's crazy!" He exclaimed.

I glared at him.

"Everyone loves you!" He said.

Should I tell him?

Screw it.

"I'm still a virgin" I muttered.

"I know" he said.

"What? How do you know? I've never told anyone" I said.

"I can tell, trust me, when Luke got laid for the first time he changed completely, you're still the same old Tyler that you've always been" he slapped my shoulder.

"I just never though any girl was good enough, I mean, when I lose it I want it to mean something" I explained.

"If you really love her, it will mean everything" he said.

Brandon left me sitting there and went back to the fire.

I gotta tell her.

She has to know

I can't I'll make a fool of myself!

For the first time in my life I was actually worried about what someone thought of me.

(Okay so I'm actually kinda proud of this chapter! I think I did a good job capturing Tyler's emotions and his feeling for Andy. I'm a girl so this chapter might be a bit weird because I have to write from a guys point of view, anyyyyyways please comment what you think xoxo-smiley face)

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