Chapter 11 (Tylers POV)

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After I dropped off Andy I called Brandon.

"Hey fuckface, what's up?" he answered.

"My mom took Liam home earlier and won't be back for a few hours, want to chill at my place?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, give me a minute" he said and hung up.

I drove home and got there only about five minutes before Brandons truck pulled into the drive way.

"Fucker look at this" I said when I answered the door.

"Your chest?" He asked, walking inside.

"No, my back" I said, turning around.

"Holy shit dude! You finally get some?" He asked.

"No, she's not ready for that" I said.

She wasn't ready and that was okay, I was willing to wait for the right time.

"So what did you guys do?" He asked, settling on the couch and flipping thought the channels.

We had been best friends for....forever I he practically lived at my house and vice versa.

"Okay so get this, make out session last night right here on the couch after we took Liam to the park, he's asleep, she's sitting on my stomach, only in the bra....and I start to take off her pants and she's like "no, not yet" and I'm thinking 'that's okay, you're not ready, I can wait" and so we make out for awhile before we both fall asleep on the couch" I started explaining.

"So it was the couch that did that to your back?" He asked.

"Shhh, I'm getting to that" I said.

"Okay yesh" he said, sitting up better.

"Okay so anyway, fall asleep together on the couch right, and then I wake up and I see her and Liam both looking at me, Liam's for like a whole thing of stickers and he's laughing like crazy so I figured something was up, Andy gets up really quick and runs off and so I chase after her, then I'm in the bathroom, peeling off stickers, and it says 'Andy was here' in big letters, taking up most of my chest, and I can't get it off! So she's like "your doing it wrong" and helps me get it off and so I'm standing there, shirtless and she just reaches out and touches my first I was thinking "what the going to pet me?" But then I realize that its my perfect chance to kiss her, and so I do....and then total make out session in the bathroom" I continue before I'm interrupted again.

"So......bathroom wall did that from you leaning on it?" He asked.

"Andy did that, I'm telling you man, it was intense, her boobs were perfect" I continued.

"Did she give you a blow job?" He asked.

"What? No, but you should have heard her....I was biting and sucking all over he boobs and she was just moaning like a banshee, it was great" I sighed, leaning back into the couch.

"You love her don't you?" He asked.

"What?" I asked, snapping back to reality.

"I can see it in your eyes every time you talk about her" He said, leaning towards me like he was a psychiatrist

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You get like this look in your eyes, its the same look my parents give each other" Brandon told me.

His parents were one of the few parents these days who still loved each other after years of being together.

I always wanted something like his parents have.

"I mean, three kids, a mortgage on the house, almost 25 years of being together, you'd think they would hate each other by now.....but my parents are goals" He said

"I hope they make parents don't have a chance, my dad tries but who knows why" I forced a laugh.

"My dads always telling my that when I get a girl I should treat her like a queen, he says 'forever treat your girl like you did when you tried to win her over, that's how you keep her" and all that sappy shit" Brandon ranted.

He went into the kitchen and I waited for him to come back.

"Can I eat this?" He asked, poking his head back into the living room for a second, holding up a sandwich.

"I think that was Liam's half eaten lunch, but go ahead" I said.

Liam wouldn't be back till the weekend, the sandwich would surely go bad by then.

Brandon returned with the sandwich and a bag of chips.

I reached over and stole a few chips, careful to not make a mess.

"What about you?" I asked between chips.

"What about me?" Brandon retaliated.

"What are your woman plans?" I asked.

"Eh.....I hope that when I do settle down I find love like my parents, I don't want to be a guy with three divorces and like ten kids, no thanks, one woman who is my ride or die" he said.

"Same" I agreed, stealing a few more chips.

We watched the TV for awhile, only accompanied but the sounds of crunching chips.

It was some lame documentary on elephants.

"She gave me a boner" I piped up.

"Had one of those the other day...but that was only from some lady when I was watching porn" he laughed.

"Was she hot?" I asked.

"Eh, she was taking like three dicks at once though" he laughed.

Many people would find these kind of conversations awkward but I was perfectly fine talking about all this with Brandon.

Brandon was my best friend but we weren't all that alike.

He watched porn, frequently, and often had a different girl.

I didn't like to watch porn, something about it felt un-dignifying.

Brandon also lost his virginity at the age of fourteen, meanwhile I was an 18 year old virgin.

But despite our differences, we were and always had been best friends.

"Do you think of me as a player?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"You see, this girl Jenna at school, she's in our grade and everything but she won't go out with me because she thinks I'm a player" He explained.

"I don't think your a player" I told him.

Okay...that was kind of a lie...but he's not really a player....he mostly goes for the hoe's of the school because he thinks he can change them, but they don't change and always end up going back to being how's and leave him for someone else.

"Okay good" he said.

We watched TV and talked about our girl problems until about five in the afternoon, then he went home.

I felt accomplished....I figured out that I really really really liked Andy, maybe even loved her.

And I could wait to see her the next day.

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