Chapter 8

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Brandon and I talked for about a half hour before we said our goodbyes and I went back home.

When I got home I was surprised to see that I had a missed call from Tyler.

I called him back.

"Andy?" Tyler answered.

"hey, you called earlier" I said.

"oh, uh, yeah, I guess I did" he said.

By the sound of his voice I could tell something was weird.

"What did you need?" I asked him.

"Can you come over?" Tyler asked.

"Okay" I said.

I'd practically just left his house.

But I went over anyway.

"Hey" Tyler said leaning against the door frame.

He reaked of cologne and wasnt wearing a shirt.

"Um, you know you're not wearing a shirt, right?" I asked him.

"I know" he smirked.

He pulled me inside and shut the door.

Then he kissed me, just like before.

He pushed me up against the wall and kissed me again and again.

Sparks were going all though out me but I pulled away from him.

"What?" he asked, out of breath.

I nodded toward the other room.

"Don't worry, no ones here" he chuckled and kissed me again.

"Tyler stop" I told him.

"Why? I love you Andy" he told me, rubbing my thigh.

"We have a bet to keep" I told him patting his chest.

"I don't care" he kissed me again.

"Then beg" I whispered against his lips.

"alright" he sighed.

He got down on his knees and actually begged!

"Andy, would you have sex with me?" he pleaded.

I tried an to stiffle a laugh.

"Not good enough" I told him, blushing like crazy.

"Andy, you sex goddess, I beg of you, give me your body to do with as I please, I shall not dissapoint you, me lady" he said in a fake old English accent.

I couldn't help it!

I laughed!

"Good enough for you?" he asked, grabbing my waist.

"Could have been better" I told him putting my arms around his neck.

"I'm never gonna heard the end of this am I?" he asked.

"Never" I laughed at him.

"The guys better not hear of this" he scolded.

"Or what?" I asked.

"I'll tell them you begged" he purred into my neck.

He kissed my neck while I ran my hands through his hair.

"I do love you" he said in his sexy voice.

"I love you too" I blushed.

He picked me up and carried me to his room.

He plopped me down on his bed and kissed me again.

He hovered over me and pulled my shirt over my head.

"You're gorgeous" he told me.

Running his hands down my back he kissed down inbetween my breasts.

I arched into him.

I thought I heard a door open downstairs.

"Tyler, stop, someone's home" I whispered.

"Don't worry, I got this" he said getting up and locking the door.

"Now, where were we?" he asked, making me blush.

He came back over and laid next to me.

Then he pulled me onto him so I was straddling his lap.

"Youre my first" he said moving a stray lock of hair back behind my ear.

"First what?" I asked.

"I've never done this before" he said holding my waist.

"Neither have i" I blushed at his touch.

I leaned down and kissed his lips.

I trailed my kisses down his jaw and to his neck.

He let out a groan of pleasure.

We flipped over so I was now on bottom.

His hands moved down my waist, freeing me of my leggings.

This was going to be a new experience for us both, and experience we would both never forget.

(Another of Andy and Tyler's heated moments:3 hope I did good, I'm not really experienced myself in these areas... Im probably just going to do Andy's POV from now on, its less confusing that way:) and so sorry for not updating, I've been really busy and haven't ha a lot of time lately but I'll try to update more regularly! comment and vote!!! Xoxo-smileyface)

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