Chapter 9

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I woke up in a panicked sweat.

None of that had happened.... After Brandon and I talked I went home.

There was no call from Tyler and I didn't go back to his house.

I had went home and went to was all a dream.

"Thank god" I sighed.

I knew that if all that had happened, it wouldn't be right.

I barely knew Tyler....

I only knew what Brandon had told me


(Flashback to Andy and Brandon talking the day before)

We were walking around.

At first I though Brandon was creepy...but as we talked I realized that I needed him.

"Tyler.....Tyler is stubborn" he started.

"I know that" I laughed.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, the guys my best friend, but he's used to getting what he wants" He continued.

"He's not going to get what he wants unless he begs" I muttered, meaning it to be only for me.

"What?" Brandon asked.

"Um.....we made a bet" I said.

I figured I better tell him.

"We made a bet, that there will only be sex if one person gives in and begs for it" I explained.

"He won't beg, he wouldn't put his dignity on the line like that" Brandon said.

"But he's probably going to try and find ways around it" he added.

"Well, there's no way I'm giving in" I laughed.

"Do you like him?" He asked.

"Well yeah, but I don't love him.....not just yet anyway" I replied.

"Just give it time" he said, returning me to my house.

"Don't worry" I chuckled.

"And sorry if I was creepy earlier" Brandon apologized.

"I forgive you" I said.

We said our goodbyes and he went on his way.

I had a feeling I would be seeing him more often.


(Back to after Andy wakes)

At first I only laid in bed, thinking of the dream....but after while the dream became less clear.

So then I got up and took a shower.

It was Saturday so I figured I'd go over to Lila's for while.

I pulled on a pair of leggings and a light pink top, then headed over to Lila's.

"Hey girly" she greeted me when I arrived.

"Hey, I need to talk to you" I said, going straight to her room.

"Okay...." She said, hesitantly, before following me.

"So what's up?" She asked when she joined me.

"I had a terrible dream about Tyler" I started.

"Oooooo" she said, getting closer to me.

"And in my dream I went over to his house and he was practically naked and...well..." I trailed off.

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