A/N: I'm depressed, I'm stressed and sarcasm + jokes are my coping mechanism
Sakuya: SHUT UP-!! OH S***-!
[chainsaw prop breaks]
Lily: [snorts] oh my god-
Misono: [snickering] it broke in half- how did it brake in half]
Sakuya: [walks away holding half of a chainsaw] my god, these things are cheap
[Camera pans to Koyuki and Ryuusei dancing in the background]
Mahiru: [trying hard not to brake character but failing] [snickers] jesus f***ing christ-
Shuuhei: what's my line again?
Touma: [whips out gun] [accidentally throws it] OH GOD-!!
Hyde: [yelps out of camera view] WHY IS THERE A GUN-?!
Creator: it's been awh- [bites tounge] leee f***
Kuro: keep it kid friendly here
Creator: [stares intently at the camera] for now
Kuro: [holding the cat-demon-thing plush in his hand] do you think things like this will be popular with the kids?
Mahiru: more like nightmare fuel
Kuro: well yeah, for my character
Belkia: [hanging from strings] What the hell brought on this conversation
Belkia: [swinging around in the air] I BELIEVE I CAAAN FLYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Sakuya: someone please drop him
Tetsu: Big brother angle- s***
Hugh: [Loud gasp out of camera view] the blonde child had said a swear word!
Hyde: The prophecy has been fulfilled!
Tetsu: [confused laughing] ????
Hyde: [Holding ophelia bridal style] [screams at someone out of camera view] HEY LICHT!! ARE YOU FEELING A LITTLE JEALOUS MAYHAPS?
Licht: no, but if you keep staring at her chest for more time than the script says, you're sleeping on the couch
Ophelia: [burst out laughing] HAHAHAHAHA!!
Mahiru: I- BLEGH! BLEH-! I forgot my line! [Walks away]
Lily: [swing weapon prop at Mahiru & Kuro] [prop breaks] ...
Misono: [muffled laughing]
Lily: How did this even-
Mahiru: SAKUYA- [slips] GAH-!! [falls down]
Sakuya: OH S***!!
kuro: MAHIRU?!
Mahiru: I'M FINE!!
Hyde: [reading latest script] ohh.. there's going to be a scene where we walked into the onsen together half naked
Licht: i have several questions-
Mikuni: no one knows if my character is good or evil and i LOVE IT!!
Jeje: it's because of the thin line between insanity and stupidity
Mikuni: babe, you wound me so
Ophelia: [Trips on her dress] FRICK!!
hyde: You aight?
Hyde: What is love-
Kuro: [Sings loudly] BABY DON'T HURT ME!!
Tsubaki: DON'T HURT ME!!
Lily: NO MORE!!!
Licht: the piano prop broke
Krantz: HOW?!
Krantz: GUIL! GO!
Guil: ...they forgot to put eye hole on this
Krantz: what-
Costume designer: [snaps fingers] I KNEW I FORGOT SOMETHING!!!
Next up on what if 4, interview special! Feel free to add in your own questions for the actors if you want
Servamp: What if... (AU)
Humorin short: What if... Servamp is just a tv show in their world and all of the characters are actors (( I made this as a coping mechanism because of stress )) ((also because i don't want to spam my oneshot books with just this so... here we are)) War...