This poem was made while Addis was dating my cousin.
There was a time
I was alone
Prime as a lost soul
Personality as colorful as an abalone shell
Innocent soul
You were my bowl of poison
Pool of wrongs and rights
I jumped into the night
You were a whirlpool of troubles
I floated towards you like a bubble
I was a fish caught
bought with kind words
You were cunning as a snake
I didn't act wise like the raven I was
Now I apologize for every mistake
You were dating my cuz
It was a sin to fall in love
You were not mine
No longer I, an innocent dove
You talked in rhyme messing me up
She has your heart
Not I
You carry a cart of blades
I won't let you die, I will take your hell
I'll wipe away your tears
So you can hug..her
I'll be your canvas to mess up
Use a cup of my blood for paint
You can crush my heart a million times
But I'll still throw the dime
hoping that one day, you will be mine
And remembering, their is time
I was alone
With my thoughts
My cries
My cuts
I was alone..
I am alone...