Meet the MC

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[Y/n] [L/n], she's beauty, she's grace, she'll punch you in the face.

[Y/n] [L/n] was a professional assassin they called her The Crimson Rose, see how I empathized on the was?

She was caught by the police at the age of 13, with dozens of fatalities caused by her. Originally, she was given a five year sentence, but she was soon secretly sentenced to house arrest until her advisors saw fit.

[Y/n] had only escaped her original sentence because she hypnotized the courtroom. They all fell in love with her act, her tears, her youth. The jury agreed to keep her re-sentencing a secret from the public.

Present time [Friday]

The class waited in anticipation for the bell to ring, it would be a weekend. Koro-Sensei also watched the clock with them, ding! That was the signal, everyone began packing up but Koro-Sensei spoke.

"Nagisa, Karma, Kayano, Kataoka and Isogai, stay here."

After everyone left they all stood in front of the yellow octopus waiting for him to speak, Nagisa pulled out his notepad preparing for tips on Koro-Sensei.

"Hello, students. I've summoned you here today for a very important reason" He spoke In a serious tone.

Their eyes narrowed as they waited for him to continue. He pulled out Karasuma's laptop and showed them a picture of a [H/C] girl, smiling. She was wearing the Kunugigaoka Junior High School uniform but they've never seen her before.

"That's [Y/n] [L/n], she was an infamous assassin. Respected and Hated at the same time in the community."

They all stared at the picture in shock and stared at Koro-Sensei in confusion.

"They called her... The Crimson Rose"

Meg gasped and pulled out her phone, she began typing vigorously until she showed them a news website that read, 'Crimson Rose has finally been captured! After 69 assassinations, the police located them.'

Meg scrolled down and pressed on the video link that showed the same girl in a court room. She was chained up with multiple police officers surrounding her, the crowd was murmuring as she judge prepared.

She slammed the hammer down and spoke, "[Y/n] [L/n], The crimson rose, an assassin." The girl smiled at the judge and waved at her, sending shivers down everyone's spines. Isogai fast foward the video a little,

"Why did you kill all those people?!" A voice screamed

"Because, they were in my way, you're lucky I didn't kill any more!" She laughed back

"Why didn't you kill the rest then? There were 80 witnesses and you only killed 69!" The judge yelled at her

"Because if I killed anymore, it would be quite a mouthful. And I didn't have any mouthwash!"

Karma smirked at her statement as the others were slightly disgusted and confused at the sick joke.

The girl on the screen dropped to the floor and broke down, "I'm broken Judge Judy!-"

"...Judge Kuraha" The judge corrected her.

"Please! I'm only 13! I was raised in a madhouse!" She pleaded with endless tears pouring out of her eyes.

Everyone in the court, including the judge felt pity apon her, but one certain redhead wasn't convinced. Nagisa pointed to one of the spectators and spoke,

"Karma! Is that you?!"

Karma didn't reply, he just poked his tongue out and contiued watching.

The video ended and they all stared at Koro-Sensei blankly.

"I want you all to go to her house over the weekend and convince her to come to school. The government reached out to her but she refused, the government wants to use her as a weapon."

They all looked at eachother and nodded. Koro-Sensei passed them her address.


They all agreed to meet at a nearby cafè at about 12:30. Nagisa greeted them all while Karma just spectated, not wanting to socialize. They all then began walking towards [Y/n]'s house.

"I'm sure she's got a small enough house for us to infiltrate and drag her out." Karma spoke menacingly

Nagisa sweat dropped and kept walking, there was a massive mansion shown in front of them.

"--Karma you jinxed us" Kayano facepalmed.

"Calm down, I'm sure she's just scared." Kataoka interrupted

They all walked up to the doorstep and looked at the screen next to the door. Karma pushed the screen on the door and a voice came out,


"Uhm hello?" Nagisa replied

"Who are you and why are you here?" A male voice replied.

"We've come to see [Y/n] [L/n]." Isogai spoke.

"Leave. She will not assist the government on killing that thing."

"She's our last hope, Sir. Please, we're young and we want to live our lives to our full extent."


The doors opened and a tall man with blue hair greeted them. He was wearing a black suit, he was a butler.

"She'll be in her room, she hasn't left it in 2 years." The man spoke.

"Eh... where's her room?" Kayano asked nervously

"Third floor, fourth room on the left. Take the elevator." The butler replied.

"Oh thank god, we don't have to walk up the stairs!" Kayano cheered

They walked towards the elevator and pressed floor 3. They stood there in awkward silence.

"Sooo... do you think she's nice?" Kayano asked breaking the silence.

"No, she's an assassin with over 50 fatalities." Karma sighed


The doors opened and they walked down the corridor and reached [Y/n]'s room. Isogai reached out to knock but then he hear screaming coming from the room.


Isogai's eyes widened as he opened twisted the handle. It was locked, he panicked and looked around for objects to pry the door open. Karma barged the door down to reveal a large room with a queen size bed, anime posters all over the walls, anime figures on the shelves, a couple of body pillows and a young [H/c]ette on the bed staring back at them.


She hid herself under the blankets and hissed at them, "Who're you all?! Why are you here? Shit, are you with the government?! Get out!"

Nagisa walked towards the bed slowly, trying not to startle the girl any more than she already was.

"I'm Nagisa Shio-"


The girl pulled out a gun on him, pointing it towards his head.

"I don't care who you are, I am not assisting the government."

Her voice was infected with so much venom and hatred. They were all taken aback and they all stepped back. Kataoka stepped forward with her arms behind her head, "Please, [Y/n]-San. We need your assistance, not the government, us citizens".

Her [E/c] eyes widened as she put the gun down. She pulled the blankets off herself and stood up, her messy [H/c] hair fell out of her hood and covered her face slightly. She scanned them all one by one until her [E/c] eyes connected with familiar Mercury ones.

"Akabane-Kun? Is that you?"

([A/n] - I'm sorry this is only 1208 words including the ones right now lmao, anyway, hope yall enjoy this bullshit.)

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