We meet again.

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"Well hello. Father"

[Y/n] spoke, placing her hand on her hip.

"Father? I don't recall adopting you."

The principal joked, her eyes narrowed as he then spoke once more.

"I raised you. I taught you. That doesn't mean I'm your father."

[Y/n] chuckled and smiled at him,

"Well, sir. It has been 5 years since you've 'guided' me."

Gakuho smirked and reached for his drawer, he pulled out a small dagger and threw it at [Y/n]. She barely caught it between her index and middle finger. Blood dripped from her hands as she pulled out a napkin.

"How inappropriate sir. I do hope this doesn't continue."

"I agree, Ms [L/n]."

"You requested my attendance because?"

[Y/n] spoke, cleaning her hand and knife, staining the once white napkin.

"I want you to attend A class for a week."

She looked up at him slightly taken aback and shook her head.

"I refuse. I'm only here business reasons, I am not here to learn."

Gakuho smirked and pulled out a briefcase, he placed it in his desk and opened it. Stacks of money were inside of it.

"Trying to bribe me? I thought higher of you sir."

[Y/n] smirked at him as he laughed with her.

"You may have all this money, which is about seven billion yen, if you attend A Class for a week."

[Y/n] thought for some time and then finally decided.

"Alright, on one condition. You drop our deal we made years ago, or I'll tell everyone of our relation."

Gakuho's eyes widened at her statement, blackmail? Who dares to blackmail their principal? He soon regained his posture as he shook his head.

"I cannot do that Ms [L/n], we made a deal. You were to marry my son when you both turned twenty.

[Y/n] spat at the floor and began walking towards the door without saying a word, she slammed it open and a loud thud! Was heard. She looked behind the door and saw the guy she saw the first day on the ground.

"Shuu-Kun? Are you okay?"

She asked slightly panicked before rushing over to assist him.

"A-ah. I'm fine Ms [L/n]."

He spoke slighty embarrassed of his current state.

"You can call me [Y/n]."

She smiled at him and reached her hand out to him, he accepted her help and stood up. He brushed himself off and raised his eyebrow.

"Why are you at my father's office anyway?"

She laughed nervously and shuffled backwards trying to get away from the conversation.

"O-oh! Well look at the time! It's suddenly time for me to go, s-see ya Shuu-Kun!"

[Y/n] sprinted away down the stairs and reached the bottom floor, she looked outside and saw her classmates. She ran towards them and soon blended in with them all.

At the principal's office

"Father, what is she to you?"

Gakushuu questioned his father. Gakuho smirked at him and then began speaking,

"She's your future wife."

Asano's eyes widened slightly before bowing and leaving. He shut the door behind him and began pondering.

Back with E Class
[Y/n] dragged her feet as the class walked back up the mountain.

"[Y/n]-San, where's Itsugo-Kun?"

Nagisa asked looking for the tall boy who always accompanied the [H/c]ed female.

"He's out doing some work for me, he'll be back soon."

She replied out of breath, [Y/n] pulled out her phone and texted Itsugo.

She replied out of breath, [Y/n] pulled out her phone and texted Itsugo

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He didn't answer, [Y/n] soon grew worried and dialed his work phone.

'Hey, Itsugo here. I'm either ignoring you or doing something worth more than talking to you. Don't call back, beep!'

[Y/n]'s eye twitched in annoyance clenching her fingers.

"Damn asshole, the only time I actually need him."

Nagisa placed his hand on her shoulder reassuringly to help her calm down. She couldn't, not with exams coming up.

688 words

Bloody Roses [Assassination Classroom x Reader] {Slow Updates}Where stories live. Discover now