The Assembly

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"This is bullshit, I'm suing the school for making me walk this far!"

[Y/n] whined dragging herself to this assembly the class was forced to. Itsugo groaned in annoyance and picked her up bridal style.

"Master, I better get paid extra for this."

"Bro, I pay you 2 million yen each month!"

Sugino turned around and pointed at both of them,

"Damn you rich people!"

"Damn Sugino-Kun, you pulled a Fujioka. Congrats!" [Y/n] grinned at him.

"What's a-"

[Y/n]'s phone began ringing, Itsugo dropped her and grabbed it out of her pocket.

"Itsugo Seiyami speaking, who is this?"

His eyes widened which worried [Y/n].

"E class, do continue without us."

They nodded and continued onwards throughout the mountain.

"Itsugo-San, it was him wasn't it?"

"Yes, Master [Y/n]. We have to do something about them, we'll have to work with them."


At the assembly

"Class. Do any of you know where [Y/n], Itsugo and Karma are?"

"Karma-Kun skipped, [Y/n]-San and Itsugo-Kun went off somewhere."

Nagisa replied sweat dropping

'Should put a damn tracking device on the both of them.'

Karasuma cursed silently.

Just minutes before the assembly started [Y/n] showed up but Itsugo wasn't with her.

"Where's Itsugo?"

Nagisa asked curiously.

Before [Y/n] could reply two guys came up to them and started laughing.

"Nagisa-Kun! So glad you could make it! Tough trip comin' down the mountain I bet!"

The two boys snickered again and left, Nagisa looked away in shame.

"Oh fuck no."

[Y/n] growled lowly as she stared at the two. She walked up to them and smiled.

"Ohayou!" She grinned at them

They turned around and scowled at her,

"What's an E-Class loser like you talking to us?"

She grinned at them once more, and leaned in.

"You pigs need to learn your place, once you graduate... you'll be shit."

She whispered, causing them to become agitated towards her.

They grabbed her collar and threatened her, she stared blankly at them.

"Just go back to that hell!"

The Assembly then started, the dean stepped up onto the stage.

"Tch, just you wait!"

[Y/n] lined up next to Nagisa, the Dean then began speaking.

"...You could end up like certain other good-for-nothings"

Everyone then started laughing at E class. To say [Y/n] was pissed was an understatement, she wanted to speak up, she needed to speak up.

"Ne, Ne Sir. I'm sure some of the E students have a higher chance of success than you."

The whole school looked at her, they were in shock and disgust. The dean was taken aback by her sudden statement.

"Oi, learn your place new girl!"

The dean yelled back at her.

"Or what?"

[Y/n] looked up and bit her thumb nail, she smirked up at him and her bloodlust began showing. The dean was terrified of her, it was a battle of power and will.

Karasuma walked up to [Y/n] and whispered into her ear,

"Don't draw attention to yourself, people might recognize you."

"Eat my ass Kara-Sensei."

His eye twitched in annoyance as he pulled her away from the class and cuffed her to a nearby metal bar. The class looked at her and a few giggles were heard.

The next thing you know the whole assembly was staring at Bitch-Sensei. She walked towards the class and stood next to Karasuma and [Y/n].

"Irina-San! Get me out of these cuffs!"

"She didn't call me Bitch-Sensei! I-I, YES!"

Irina began shaking the shackles until the speaker began explaining the handouts.

"H-hey, where's our ones?"

Okajima questioned, Isogai turned and asked the announcer about it.

"This is disgusting, Kara-Sensei I won't accept this class getting treated like-"

A gush of wind flew past them all and all of a sudden, everyone in E class had a peice of paper with all the student council events.

"There you go students!"

Koro-Sensei grinned at them. [Y/n] glared at him and spat at his feet.

"Damn octopus! Wipe that shit eating grin of your face before I slice it off!"

Koro-Sensei sweatdropped and ignored her. The assembly ended and [Y/n] was called up to the principal's office.

She knocked on the door and a voice came out calling her inside. [Y/n] walked inside and stood in front of the principal's desk.

"Well hello. Father."

[I'm sorry for making this short. I wanted it to be a cliffhanger, I'll try to post another chapter today.]

[768 words]

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