New Student?

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Before this chapter starts I'd like to place a warning here, as this chapter will include a sensitive topic to some. Abuse.

If you are sensitive to this topic and wish to skip through it, that is fine. I will place a summary at the bottom, as well as a checkpoint to where it starts and ends.

It was an early morning, about an hour before school started, Itsugo sighed heavily as he waited outside the principal's office. [Y/n] had asked him to stay outside as she discussed private matters with Gakuho on the inside.

In a blink of an eye [Y/n] rushed out crying, she ran past Itsugo and down the stairs. Itsugo was taken aback, before rushing into Gakuho's office.

He stomped up to the desk and slammed his arms down onto the table.

"Oh? What's the meaning of this?"

Gakuho asked, smirking. Itsugo gritted his teeth and grabbed Gakuho's tie.

"What the fuck did you do to [Y/n]?"

With [Y/n]

[Y/n] shut herself into an empty classroom and fell to the floor. She gritted her teeth and held her head in pain, she struggled to breathe.

"Please... stop!-"

[Y/n] whispered, holding onto her head. She gripped onto her hair and squeezed it tightly, tears ran down her face, tainting her cheeks. She eventually passed out, due to the exhaustion she recieved from her panic attack.





You want me... to kill them?


But... they're only a child.

You too, are a child.

Why would I do that?

In this world it's kill or be killed, if you don't fight them you will die. Don't die, live to see another day.

Why am I here? Who're you?

I'm you, but wiser, we are both one.

That makes no sense dumbass.

Your face doesn't make sense.

You really are me aren't you?

In the flesh- I mean well not really?

[Y/n] shook her thoughts away as she stared at the child in front of her, they were about ten, while she was seven. [Y/n]'s stomach growled, she needed to win, to eat.

She rushed over to her opponent and pinned them down. They struggled in her grasp and cried out.

"Please don't! I need to get back to my family! It's hell here, and you know that!"

[Y/n] looked down at them in pity, her eyes softened as she smiled at them softly.

"I'm sorry, I really am but..." [Y/n] plunged her weapon, a sharp knife into their chest, right where their heart was located.

An agonizing scream rang through her ears, she stood up and watched the child under her bleed. [Y/n] ripped the knife out of her victim's chest and held it tightly.

"Well done [L/n]." A voice spoke, she turned to her left and saw one of her superiors.

"Kataoka-San... I-I didn't mean to."

Bloody Roses [Assassination Classroom x Reader] {Slow Updates}Where stories live. Discover now