Kyoto time!

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"I hate being alive.." [Y/n] sighed, leaning back onto Itsugo's shoulder.

"Shut up [Y/n], we're only going to Kyoto for a couple days." Itsugo sighed pushing her off

Kayano walked up to the two and smiled at them, "Do you guys have a group for the trip?" Nagisa noticed the sudden question and walked over.

"Yeah! You should join us!" Nagisa chimed in, light pink tinting his cheeks. [Y/n] raised her eyebrow and looked at Itsugo, as if signalling for him to say something.

"[Y/n], aren't you banned from Kyoto? Karma too?" Itsugo smirked lightly. [Y/n] blushed and covered his mouth.

Karma, joined in the conversation and nodded his head, "It was only a temporary ban."

Sugino sighed from afar on the other side of the classroom, "Why am I not surprised? With [Y/n] and Karma, all hell runs loose."

Karma slung his arm around [Y/n] and she places her hands on his chest. They smirk and say in unison

"What can I say? Hell couldn't handle us both..."

[Y/n] pulled away and gagged, "That's the gayest thing I've ever said." Karma looked away and poked his tongue out, "Honestly, the same." [Y/n] looked over at Nagisa and pulled him aside. Theywalked into the hallway outside of class and closed the door.

"Did you think about my offer?" [Y/n] asked narrowing her eyes

"Yes, and I accept." Nagisa spoke

Last Week

It was a training period and they were practising knife sparring. Karasuma forbid [Y/n] from attacking any student, so she was to dodge all attacks. [Y/n] was paired up with Nagisa.

To be honest, Nagisa was nervous to verse [Y/n], her dodging skills were practically flawless and her flirting skills embarrassed him.

Nagisa was going to attack [Y/n], he ran towards her and tried stabbing her chest, she dodged all of his attacks and hugged him from behind.

"Ne, Nagisa-Kun..." [Y/n] whispered into his ear. Nagisa's cheeks tinted a dark red as he stumbled back, barely keeping his balance.

[Y/n] walked up to him and held his hands, "I want to offer you a job, a spot in my assassination squad. I've seen you in action, and my agency wants to hire you. You have a week to decide."


"Great! I'll introduce you to my squad!" [Y/n] smiled, she grabbed Nagisa's hand and walked into class.

"Itsugo! I'm going to you know where! Meet me at home!" [Y/n] said, quite loudly.

"W-wait... n-now?!" Nagisa blurted out

Karma glanced at Itsugo, to his surprise, Itsugo looked worried. He started to sweat and his hand balled into fists.

"Where is she going with Nagisa?" Karma asked with a slight hint of jealousy.

"[Y/n] told me not to tell you, nor anyone else." Itsugo coughed out, regaining his composure.

With [Y/n] and Nagisa

"Why'd you choose me? Karma's your best friend and he'd be an amazing assassin." Nagisa asked, scratching his head. [Y/n] looked him dead in the eye and spoke in a serious tone.

"Karma and I may not be in the best of terms, but I genuinely care about him. When we were kids I'd always protect him. I'll continue to do that until I die."

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