I'm fine!

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(Lydia's POV)

I was bombarded with questions by Will and Elizabeth.
"Are you ok?"
"What happened?"
"Is Jack ok?"
"How's your stomach?"
"Does it hurt?"
"How are you feeling?"
I took a seat on a nearby barrell next to my Dad and smiled.
"I'm alright, in a little bit of pain, but thanks to my Dad I'll live, it's just a little cut, really," I assured.
"Lydia-Rose Sparrow, that was not a little cut! That was a deep slice to the abdomen. You're a very brave girl!" Dad lectured. I smiled and looked back at the crew, who seemed concerned.
"Really! I'll be ok!" I assured again.
"You didn't have any rum did you?" Elizabeth worried.
"Only a little," I laughed. She looked discusted.
"Jack, how could you let your daughter have rum in this state!?" Elizabeth wondered, angry.
"She was desperate Lizzie, you don't understand a Sparrows need for rum! Besides, I can't resist when she calls me Papá!' he whined.
"Very well, as long as she didn't have to much." Lizzie spoke, disapprovingly.
"It's not his fault Lizzie, it's mine, honestly,"
"What's done is done," Will intervened as he took Elizabeth's hand and went below deck with her. This left me, Dad, Scrum, Gibbs, Henry, Rigetti and Pintel on deck.
"GET TO WORK YE SCABBEROUS DOGS!" Dad shouted as all but Gibbs and Henry scurried off.
  "What do you want?" Dad asked Gibbs suspiciously.
  "Nothing Cap'n, just wanting to see if your alright," Gibbs smiled. This took Dad by surprise.
  "Uh, yes, Master Gibbs, I'm alright as long as she's alright, savvy?" Dad grinned.
  My heart warmed at his statement. I watched my Dad walk off with Master Gibbs which left me and Henry. From the wheel, I could see my Dad smiling, and then he winked at me, which Henry caught.
  "Did you tell him?!" he asked, bewildered.
  "No, my Dad has a habit of finding stuff like this out. He's a clever man," I spoke.
  "That he is," Henry agreed.
  "So, does you stomach still hurt?" he asked, concerned.
  "A little, but I can't let that get in my way," I laughed.
  "Lydia, you can rest of you want, no work needs to be done, and I think it'd be best if you wait for a little bit, to get completely better," he advised.
  "No, really I'm fine," I chuckled.
  "Nope, not good enough," Henry decided, as he began pushing me toward the cabin door.
  "Henry!" I shouted. He still continued.
  "No, I want you to rest, come on, just go to sleep," he said as he got me in the room,"
  "I'm not tired!" I ignored.
  "Well just lie down, your stomach will heal if you rest more," he assured.  He walked out of the room, me going after him before he slammed the door and locked it.
  This left me shocked, did he really think I couldn't handle it?
  I banged on the door, yelling for him to let me out.
  "Henry, c'mon! This isn't fair!" I whined.
  "Lydia, get some rest, I promise you'll feel better," I heard him say from outside. I gave up and sighed, flopping down on the bed. I looked around at all of my Dad's things, finally drifting off again, dreaming of Henry.
   (Jack's POV)
  Henry had pushed Lydia into the cabin and locked it, which would keep her out of the way as long as we needed unsuspectingly. This gave us enough time to get things ready for tomorrow, as it's my Daughters' birthday. The whole crew came on deck, I put my finger to my lips and began to talk, signalling to be quiet.
  "So, as we all know, it's Lydia's birthday tomorrow, and I want it to be like no other birthday she's ever had, I want the pearl in tip-top shape, I want food, I want music- Scrum you can be in charge of that, and I want you to all perfect your dancing skills, is that clear?" I questioned.
  "Dancing?" Will asked, sounding nervous.
  "Aye, if she's anything like Angelica, she'll like to dance, and I've seen her dance sometimes, it's very good, so I want all of us to dance on deck tomorrow, am I clear?"
  "Aye," everyone spoke, enthusiastically. Elizabeth smiled, Will looked troubled and Henry looked excited.
  The crew scurried off, Will and Elizabeth went off and made some food and a cake. Henry and Gibbs began scrubbing the deck. Scrum began playing his bloody mandolin ukelele thing. The rest of the crew busy-bodied around, clearing the deck and making space. I kept us on course, admiring the sunset.

  Afterwards, Will and Lizzie's cake was brought on deck, it smelt heavenly. There was lots of food below deck for us all to eat, and there was rum, plenty of rum. Sparrows should never be denied rum, nevermind on their birthday. The deck was shining, it looked almost brand new. I was proud of my crew. I had heard Scrum practicing. I went round and did one last routine check, grabbing a bottle of rum on my way. I marched back up, happy with how it was looking.
  "Very well done everyone!" I congratulated.
  "I think we all deserve a rest now, savvy?"
  "Aye!" they agreed.
  They all retreated to their hammocks. I stumbled down to my cabin, quietly unlocking it incase she was asleep, cautious not to wake her. Instead as I opened the door, I was met with an angry Lydia.
  "Dad! I have been locked in here ALL DAY! Nothing to do except read your books, look at your charts! Why did you let Henry do that!?" she yelled.
  "Lydia, I had no idea love, I'm so sorry, I thought you were sleeping and recovering," I lied. I do praise myself on my lying skills.
  "Urgh, I'm sorry Dad, it's not your fault, and I know Henry was just doing it for the better, but I..."
  "Shh, love, I do think you ought to actually get some sleep now," I smiled. She yawned and climbed into bed, falling asleep almost instantly, after whispering,
  "G'night Dad,"
  To which I replied,
  "Night Darlin'," before worrying about whether tomorrow would go as smoothly as I had planned. I could only hope so, as she deserves it so much.

It's Lydia's Birthday tomorrow!
Also as of the time I'm writing this, it's Johnny Depp's birthday!

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