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(That's the νέα αρχή (new beginning) up top!)

6/25/2029                    1200 hours                    Off the coast of Charleston- 

Alexandria's P.O.V (Point of view):

Well that was a fucking shit show If i ever saw one. If we hadn't been prepared we probably wouldn't be alive.

"Hey Alex, can you Radio into the Charleston Port to see if they have somewhere we can moor?" Skylar requested.

"Sure babe" I reply. I radio into the port and explain our situation. They set us up with a spot for the night, but say we have to be out of there before tomorrow night.

"Damn" I mutter to Sky "we'll only have a place for tonight, they want us out of there by tomorrow evening." This causes her to scowl and curse.

"What the fuck do they expect?! Us to magically fix this rust bucket overnight?!" She spits out.

I can't help but agree with her, "I guess we will just have to figure something out." I sigh.

"Maybe we can haul it out and do the repairs in dry dock?" Sky questioned, but it didn't seemed directed at me so I kept quite. She then shakes her head with a sigh. " whatever the case may be, we won't be going anywhere anytime soon."

I agree and go back to tending the sheets while regularly cheeking to make sure we don't take on to much water and, you know, die.


Time Skip


When we make it to port and aren't in immediate danger anymore Skylar and I set to work tying the boat up and doing minimal repairs to keep it afloat overnight.

It takes about an hour until she is satisfied there will still be a boat to fix in the morning. 

"Alright, that's it I'm done!" She exclaims dramatically. "Now feed me!" She demands of me with a giant smile on her face.

I laugh at her dramatics, "Your wish is my command, my love." I tell her and lean down to give her a kiss. Our kiss only lasts for a moment before we pull away and head up the dock to find some food.


That's what I need in my life. A beautiful girl who will sail with me and feed me. 😍 I would be complete!

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