A/N: Thankyou to everyone for all your beautiful comments on my chapters and in my inbox i genuinely cant express how grateful i am to every single one of you! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter too, and dont hate me too much!!
Josh’s P.O.V
Management wanting to meet with us always made us nervous. I just didn’t have a clue what it is they wanted to say to us and so I found it hard to be comfortable in those kinds of situations. I waved Ally off as she went to see Meggy at the bar, and made my way over to where I could see Carina, Matt, Dan and Tom. Over the years, Tom and us band guys had become very good friends, he often did all our promotional pictures, photos and he shot the tour diaries for us through the Hold Me Down tour too. He wasn’t usually involved in our meetings though, so I was surprised to see him here. He stood up as I approached the table and gave me a bro hug “you alright man?” he asked.
“Yeah man, im good. You?”
“yeahh man im good” he replied, taking his seat as Max and Chris joined us at the table. When we were all settled we all ordered drinks, soft drinks after last night, my head was still a bit sensitive and im guessing that like me, Dan, Matt and either Max or Chris would have driven here.
“Well boys, we’ve had an idea that we really want to discuss you, hence calling you here. We know that you all enjoy having Tom film your tour diaries for the fans so we were thinking the taking the tour diaries a bit further.” Carina, our manager said, looking around the table at our reactions to her words.
“What EXACTLY do you mean by ‘a bit further’ Carina?” Max said, I looked at my best friend and maybe it’s because I have known him for years but I could tell, like me, he was nervous about this latest idea. Thing about Max is, as mad as the little hedgehog is he does have a serious side, when he feels something you know it’s genuine. If he looks angry it means he is genuinely angry, he has never been one to blow his top just for show.
Carina looked around the table once again and smiled a wide smile, her eyes were lit with excitement as my friends all looked nervous as hell, “a book, a literal tour diary to go alongside the video. The video’s are brilliant and get thousands of views but they can only really be a few minutes long each time. A book would get a full feel of the tour and it can include interviews- Tom you can do the pictures and everything- and the readers get to see what’s going on from different points of view.” She rambled excitedly.
In all fairness, it actually didn’t sound like a bad idea. I mean the whole reason we are doing this band thing, is to be as big and great as we can be. So if we can release a book that will reach more audiences, not to mention my twitter followers have already asked for this. The media print so much shit about us and this could be our way of clearing up what’s going on with us. I looked at my band mates going round the table, they all looked as sceptical as I did, pulling their brows together and staring at random spots on the wall, lost in thought.
I thought about it and I looked up from the table, my eyes caught sight of Ally and Meggy together laughing at the bar. This tell all diary, would it be able to keep us private? I know the pregnancy ‘scandal’ got plastered over the internet but we were able to put those to rest very quickly and luckily not much else had been said. Ally was lucky that because we have yet to say or do anything to confirm our relationship as anything more than friends she was safe. But could I really be the one to put her in danger if some writer follows us around, what if she wrote something that the fans wouldn’t like about us? I looked at Dan, and stared at him hard in the eyes and then looked at Meggy and Ally and watched as his eyes followed my gaze, he nodded once acknowledging that he knew what I was talking about.