Twelve - Letting go

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Outside the room,

There was Ji Yeon standing alone in the middle of the hallway. She was wearing a thin shirt and plain flip flop. Most importantly, she forgot her phone. Feeling devastated, Ji Yeon walked to nowhere in order to calm herself down. She favoured that perfume so much because that was the one Felix gave her on her first birthday celebrating with Felix as a couple. Some things may looked simple but there would be thousands of meaning behind it.


Family Mart,

Being daring as she would always be, Ji Yeon ended up walking alone to the Family Mart. There were several obstacles on her way there such as nearly getting hit by a car, finally realising she didn't have her phone and being too cold outside.

"Sobb sobb." She wasn't stop crying.


The hotel room,

"Ya, why Ji Yeon still not here?" Chaeyoung checked on the wall clock and it showed 2 a.m.

"Yah, shouldn't we go and find her? It is already so late and Ji Yeon didn't bring her phone." Nayong showed Ji Yeon's phone on the table.

"This is all my fault!" Hyuna screamed and pulled her own hair.

"YA YA YA!" Chaeyoung caught her hands.

"Hyuna aa, it was an accident. It wasn't your fault." Nayong said.

"I know how much Ji Yeon favour that perfume but I broke that one." Hyuna cried.

Chaeyoung patted Hyuna's hands. She felt sad for her friends.

"Yah, let's tell Felix at least." Chaeyoung said, getting up from the couch and went to the door.

Nayong already opened the door wide and Chaeyoung made her way to the opposite room.

"Tuk tuk tuk." She knocked on the room door.

"What is it?" It the sleepy Felix answering the door.

Chaeyoung pulled Felix out and the boy was taken aback.

"WAE?! I was sleeping! Do you know how hard it was to fall asleep and listen to Hyun Jin's cries?!" He complained to Chaeyoung.

"Hyun Jin cried?!" Hyuna was actually behind Chaeyoung.
"Is he okay?"

"Not okay." Felix stated.
"Now tell me, why are you bothering me at 2 a.m. in the morning?" He was rubbing his eyes for clearer vision.
"Don't tell me a girl name Ji Yeon caused problem again."

"HOW DO YOU KNOW?!" Nayong freaked out.

"She is never free from problem."
"What did she do this time?" Felix asked, sleepy as hell yet wanted to stay awake and find out what Chaeyoung was about to say.

"We broke her perfume and she left the room at 10 p.m. but still not back yet." Chaeyoung told him.


"Yes. She did." Nayong continued.

Felix massaged his own temples and took a moment to think of the situation. He was legit thinking hard of her whereabout.

"Kwon Ji Yeon,"
"Kwon Ji Yeon."
"Kwon Ji Yeon,"
"Kwon Ji Yeon." In the blink of an eye, Felix was already nowhere to be seen but only his voices can be heard from distance.

"I caused Felix to get into trouble and find Ji Yeon too." Hyuna said, squatting down on the floor.

"HYUNA! Stop blaming yourself!" Chaeyoung hugged the fragile Hyuna.

Lover or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )Where stories live. Discover now