Forty Three - For real?

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The Hyuns and Feji were finally back in the resort. They used the cafe as the venue for Younghoon's birthday celebration.

"Who got the cake?" Hyun Jin asked as something felt missing from the table.

"Woojin oppa.." Hyuna replied, hesitating.

"Okay." Hyun Jin replied and chose a chair to sit.

Hyuna glanced to beside her as Hyun Jin sat next to her. Hyun Jin was on his phone, trying to ignore the reality.

"Hyun Jin," Hyuna called him, the softest she could.

"Hrmm, wae." Hyun Jin turned to his side, sounded rather soft.

"YAS IT WORKS! IT WORKS. Now what should I say?" Hyuna asked her blank mind.

"..." Hyuna just blinked at him, looking all innocent.

"Yes, what is it?" He asked again.
"Do you have anything to say or not?"

"I just want to talk to you." She pouted.

"..." Hyun Jin stared at her, speechless.

"Ji Yeon, get down from the chair. I will hang it up." Felix said, shaking the chair that Ji Yeon climbed up to.

They were trying to put the happy birthday banner on the wall.

"BOKIE! I will fall!" Ji Yeon was trying to balance herself.

"That's it, just let me do it." Felix was waiting for her to give in.

"No! I want to hang it." Ji Yeon refused.

"You really,"
"Won't listen." Felix shook the chair and Ji Yeon slipped from it.

"ANDWAE! LEE FELIX YOU S-" He caught her before she could hit the floor.

"Oh wow." Hyuna smacked Hyun Jin's shoulder, admiring the moment.

"Way to go Felix." Hyun Jin was finally laughing, clapping his hands like a seal.

Felix winked at them.

"Put me down,"
"Put me down!" Ji Yeon hit Felix but he won't budge.


"Lee Yongbok. I swear you are annoying." Ji Yeon acted mad but eventually bursted into laughter.

"Go sit there, I will hang it up." Felix said as he let Ji Yeon go.

"Whatever." Ji Yeon made her way next to Hyuna.

She was compacted between Ji Yeon and Hyun Jin.

"Hello! How's everybody?!" Woojin came into the sight, holding a secret recipe box.

"We are fine!" Felix replied.

"Really? But why does the Hyuns look so gloomy?" Woojin asked and put the cake onto the table, right at the centre.

"We are just tired." Hyun Jin replied before Hyuna could.
"Geujwo Hyuna?"

"Aaaa, yes." She nodded.

Lover or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )Where stories live. Discover now