Forty Five

199 6 57

Emergency ward,

Regarding the schedule, Hyuna was allowed to go back at 12 p.m. but she was still in the ward. It was still 7 a.m. and she was soundly asleep however Hyun Jin was fully awakened. He was looking at her, reminiscing everything that happened for the past few days.

"I am sorry." He muttered, knowing that Hyuna was sleeping.

Hyuna moved a little and Hyun Jin stopped talking. He took her hand instead.

"Maybe I should've respect your decision when you decided not to tell me. Was I being too selfish? But the idea of not knowing facts that others do, I wonder. Am I not what you hope for? I am sorry for being too mean, for not being a good boyfriend or maybe causing trouble for us here and there and-"
"But it hurts my pride to admit it." He was patting on her hand, the softest he could as if she was fragile.
"If you really repeat that you want to break up,"

Hyun Jin stopped talking.


"Maybe I should've agree."

A tear drop slipped from Hyuna's eyes as she was listening after all. Hyun Jin thought she was probably flashing back a bad memory in her sleep. Therefore, he wiped her tears away, feeling sorry. He chose to get up from the chair and leave the ward but Hyuna held onto his hand tightly.

"Don't go." Hyuna's hand was so cold.

( Yes, Kdrama scene alert )

Hyun Jin turned around, no expression was registered.

"Hyun Jin aa," she was about to cry again and Hyun Jin caressed her face.

"Are you feeling better?" He gave her a small smile, not wanting to torture Hyuna's mental state.

"..." Hyuna chose to just shook her head.

"Want to go for a walk?" Hyun Jin asked, trying to get Hyuna out from the suffocating ward.

"Y-yes," her voice was cracking and Hyun Jin helped her to get up.

"Here," Hyun Jin bent down and placed a flip flop on the floor, an unfamiliar one to Hyuna.
"I forgot to take your shoes from the room. I got that from the E-mart." He let out a small laugh.

"Really? Thank you," Hyuna put on the pink coloured flip flop and held onto Hyun Jin's hand to get back on her feet.

"Kaja," he said, walking away.

They weren't holding hands anymore. Hyun Jin sounded like the Jinie Hyuna familiar with but it was all too quiet.


Hospital garden,

The hospital garden was placed on the top floor, all green and lively. The Hyuns were sitting on the bench, kind of further apart. Hyuna was looking at the sky but Hyun Jin was looking to the ground.

"Hy-" Both of them said at once.

"You go first." Hyuna said and maybe it was the wrong decision.

"I don't think this is going anywhere Hyuna." He said and her heart stopped beating for a while.
"I am sorry for my actions. I know I was suffocating you to accept me. That is something that I wish I never have done. But,"
"Regretting it won't change the fact that I did it."

Lover or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )Where stories live. Discover now