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I whispered to Jimin "The one in the blonde is pretty cute hm Jimin shee, I wonder if shes available." I chucked as I started at her beauty. This will be a fun collaboration. "YA! Tae, she's older than you, respect her and she properly isn't, even if she is leave her, heck even Jungkook is controlling himself better than you." He teased as I pinched his arm which made him squeal like a girl. Namjoon hyung turned his head and gave us a look 'shut up you two'. and shakes his head turning back to Jin hyung. I made faces at his back which made Hobi giggle and I joined giving him a high-five.

Me and Jimin were playing rock paper scissors to who should get the last chicken, when Yoongi rolled his eyes and took the chicken making me and Jimin whine "YA!". The girls started to laugh at me and Jimins behaviour.

"So how are you enjoying England." The girl with a bow on said I'm guessing is Gabi idk hmm. I hate my brain.

"Yes, it's our very first time and it's going superb thank you for allowing to give us a tour around." Namjoon Hyung said with his perfect English. Grr I wanna learn so bad so I can talk good at the blonde one..

Hobi started to laugh randomly making us maknaes look at him with confusion. Then looked at the girl near him who her name is Anna I think. I looked at Jungkook and said "What's there names again?" I asked and he started to think "Hmm.. idk ask Joonie hyung." I looked at him and made a face and tapped his chin. "Joonieyoo" I whispered which him being deaf didn't listen and so I tapped Jimin to call him. he taps his arm and points to me. "Yes Tae." He asked as he was still chewing his food "What's their names again do you know Hyung.?" I asked and he chuckles knowing that my slow brain isn't good at remembering names. I wish I had a brain like Joonie. "The blonde one is Perrie, the one with a bow on is Jade, the one who's having a conversation with Hobi is Leigh-Anne and the one who has long hair is Jesy." When he said that I gave him a finger heart "Thank you love chu." He chuckles and says to me "Wrote the names down if you don't remember." I nodded.

Time pass....


As soon as the boys left, I couldn't stop thinking about the blue one. I seemed to have made it obvious tho. I put my hands on my face since I was going red.

"OO, someone is blushing hard haa." Jesy said as I giggle and told her. "It's weird Jess i'm already feeling." I signed for not wanting to believe it but want to belive it. "Awh babe that's what love is, if someone from that group made you feel, then girl better feel more, then again I don't think they're company even allows em to date." She told and went back to eating her salad. Hmm.. I never thought of that, of course if the boys date anyone it could ruin their career and I laied my head on the pillow as I continued to go in thinking.

Does he feel the same tho? My phone pinged and I looked at the screen.

Groupchat: Power-Drop

Jade added Joonie, HappyHobi, TaeTae, SwagSuga, HandsomeJin, ChimChim and Kookie.

Jade: Welcome to the groupchat boys.

ChimChim: Thank you.

Jesy joined the chat and changed the groupchat name to Power-Drop.

HappyHobi: Cool name I like it.

Leigh and Perrie joined the chat.

Perrie: Oooo I see you already invited the boys

Leigh: Well, welcome boys this will be such a fun fun chat yaaaay.

HandsomeJin: YAAA!! PARTY IS IN

TaeTae joined the chat

TaeTae: It like a dream come tru.

Joonie: On* and It's* and true* your welcome.

TaeTae: Thank you this is why your my favourite hyung.

HappyHobi: HEY!


HappyHobi: NO I AM!

ChimChim: NOOOO I AMM I have known him longer.

HandsomeJin: NO

HappyHobi: NOOO he likes me better.

SwagSuga: I'm off to sleep.

SwagSuga went offline


Kookie: Yeh I'mma go to sleep.

Kookie went offline

ChimChim: Whaa why you all going to bed its only 12pm.

ChimChim: Did everyone go offline??

ChimChim: Rude.

ChimChim went offline

Leigh: This is going to be a fun fun chat.


What a chapter hmm..

Love that Power-drop is slowly reaching to the top.

Groupchat Power-drop only contains LM and BTS. If you have any suggestions to who esle should be added then let me know.

I ship Taerrie a lot ahhh! My two favourites from both bands.

Who is your favourite member from LM and BTS?

Thank you for reading

Love you all xx



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