Chapter 9: Juvie

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I only got about 20 seconds of sleep before I woke up to a sound of gunfire. I looked around panicked. "What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"Nothing, we're ok." Gabriel told me. I sat to face Max. I felt someone take my hand and I instantly knew it was Gabriel.

"Y/N, you are the only person who can sleep for 20 seconds or hear a good song that you like and not be tired anymore." Max told me while laughing.

"That's because that's as much energy as I need." I told him while laughing. I heard a louder explosion followed by a man screaming. There was another explosion and the tank in front of us was blown to the side. The bus was set on fire and I heard glass shattering. We all screamed.

"Oh, my...shit!" Alex shouted.

"Alex, are you okay?" Gabriel shouted at him. Gabriel got out of his seat to help him.

"Get out of here!" Someone shouted at us.

"Go!" Dariush shouted.

"Which door is blocked?" Gabriel asked us. One of the soldiers shouted something but I couldn't make out what he was said. The front entrance was blocked so we had to go to the side door. "Let's go!" Gabriel shouted at us.

"Move!" Someone from outside shouted.

"Let's go. We gotta get out of here, man!" Dariush shouted at us. Gabriel tried pushing the door open but it wouldn't budge. "Kick it!" Dariush shouted at him. Gabriel kicked the door down and we all got out. Of course there was more gunfire. "Go! Oh, shit!" He shouted after we had got out of the bus. "Go the other way." Dariush shouted at us. We all started running in the opposite direction. "Watch out for the dogs!" He warned us. I watched as soldiers were being attacked by them. I just wanted this to be over. "Go! Go! Go!" He repeated. "Keep your head down, man!" Dariush warned us. I ran with a limp. "Holy shit! Oh, no!" He shouted, the soldier we were talking was being crushed by a car and there was nothing anyone of us would be able to do. "Pick this up with me." Dariush told us finally wanting to help.

"What are you doing?" He asked us confused.

"Pick it up with me." Dariush shouted.

"You gotta get out of here." The soldier told us.

"We're gonna get you out!" Alex said really fast.

"Stop, you gotta go." He told us.

"Guys if we try and help him we could do more damage then what's already been done." I told them.

"I can't move it by myself!" Dariush complained.

"Then stop trying to move it." I told him.

"You have to go." He told us. We heard the radio beeping in Morse code.

"Yo, ZhenZhen, get the radio." Dariush told her. ZhenZhen grabbed the radio and returned back to us.

"Come on, we can't leave you." Alex told the captain.

"Stop. Stop. It's ok. It's on you now. Okay? You have to let me go. Listen to your friend." He told him.

"No, no, I...I can't." Alex said panicked.

"Shh. Stop! Take this key. Here, take it. Promise me you will not let anything stop you. Okay, now go. Go!" He told Alex. We all ran. There was heavy firing. I knew that the captain had been killed because I felt the heat of an explosion coming from behind me. We ran all the way to San Gabriel Valley. Running on the road seeing cars burning.

"I told you that was a stupid idea. You idiots almost got me killed. I don't even wanna be at summer camp. I should be in Cabo taking jelly shots off someone's ass cheeks. Slow down. Slow down." Dariush said complaining.

"What do you think these things are after?" ZhenZhen asked.

"Food maybe? Resources?" Alex said giving answers. "It's possible their planet went dry and they came to raid ours." He added.

"What gives you that idea?" Dariush asked him sarcastically.

"Nothing! It's the most common Invasion movie plot." Alex said sharing his movie knowledge.

"Maybe they're here to find mates. That would explain the erotic rendezvous with Dariush earlier." ZhenZhen said giving her opinion. We both gave each other a high five.

"Hey, whoa. No. We're not gonna do all that, okay? That was strictly platonic. Let's just head north, okay? To the desert, get as far away from that thing as we can get, all right? As far away- -" Dariush told us. That was the dumbest idea ever.

"There is no away from those things." ZhenZhen said cutting Dariush off.

"ZhenZhen's right. The only way we're going to survive is if we get this key to Dr. Fielding. It's what that soldier was gonna do." Alex told us agreeing with ZhenZhen.

"He died. Okay, look, if a bunch of bad-ass marines can't get that key 40 feet away without getting deep fried, what makes you think we can get it 40 miles?" Dariush asked us.

"We have to." Alex replied. "It's on us." He added.

"Because we've had the most encounters with those things and we know their weaknesses." Max told him.

"Max is right. No one knows those things better than us." Alex said agreeing with him.

"Okay. We're not going anywhere until we get some food. Maybe even some sleep if we can." ZhenZhen told us.

"I have some food but it won't last us that long." I told them.

"All right, fine. What's up with Chico?" Dariush asked. I hadn't even noticed what Gabriel was doing. He was just looking around slowly.

"It's my street." He said. He didn't have his usual confident tone in his voice. It was softer than that.

"Great! Can we go in your house?" Alex asked him.

"That's my house, but..." He started but he stopped. He sniffled a bit then sighed. "It's not my home. I haven't been totally honest with you guys. I was in the mountains because...I was in juvie. And I escaped." He told us. I looked at him with a soft expression. "So even if my mom is here...she's not gonna wanna see me." He added. I grabbed his hand for reassurance. The only noise in the background was gunfire.

"Come on, man." Dariush said. We all walked with him in the direction of his house. I laced my fingers with him as we were walking. As we neared where he used to live there was a sound of a spacecraft flying over us.

"Go, go, jump left!" Alex shouted at us as the craft was flying over us.

"No!" Dariush shouted.

"What the hell was that?" Alex shouted.

"Run!" Alex whispered.

"Where do we go?" Dariush asked.

"Follow me." Gabriel told us. We all followed him to an apartment.

"Oh, damn!" Dariush said once he walked in. "Man, we need to get my man Jacobi up in here." Dariush told us.

"It's looters." Gabriel told us.

"All right, lets find something to eat." Dariush told us I nodded. I felt comfort knowing that we might actually sleep well tonight. Even with everything going on outside.

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