• chapter two •

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"Although there's been no activity for a few minutes, we're gonna stay live on location to make sure we don't miss anything in this hostage situation at the Capital West bank," Jim announces. Police were lined up behind cars or anywhere they could hide, with their guns pointed towards the bank, they waited. 

Ben sighed and looked between his siblings, Klaus and Luther. "Do I have to do this?" 

"Com on, Ben. There's more guys in the vault," Luther argued. 

Again the little boy sighed and turned towards the vault door. "I didn't sign up for this," He mumbled under his breath as he reached for the door knob and pulling the door open. 

Hostages came running out of the bank, screaming their heads off. Clearly scared by the children. 

All the siblings stopped in front of the vault where Ben was doing his thing inside, killing the remaining robbers. Blood covered the windows as people's bodies were thrown violently everywhere. 

With one last roar coming from the inside poor little Ben opened the door, peering his head out. He looked left and then at the kids standing before him. "Can we go home now?" he asked, his breath shaky. 

"People are coming out now. It's not the armed robbers."  

The kids came out of the bank walking. Of course as always Luther leading the group, his job being number one. Five was the one running, looking behind to see his siblings. "These are young schoolchildren in uniforms with masks on." 

The kids stood in a line, in order on the first step as a man screamed, "Lower your weapon!" They didn't quite know yet that they were just harmless kids trying to help. 

"Jim Hellerman, Channel two news."

"Who are you?" one screamed.

"How did you get in the bank?" another babbled. 

"What happened inside?"

The sound of camera shutters clicking erupted as Reginald himself stood proudly in front of him children. "Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted six such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy." 

Vanya and y/n looked over at each other, clearly wanting to be up there with their siblings, shining in glory of yet another win. y/n grabbed Vanya's hand, comforting her best she could right now. she looked over at Five and her cheeks starting heating up as she saw the bright smile on the young boy's face. The smile she loved so much. The one she wanted to see the rest of her life. 

The crowd and new channels starting asking questions as Reginald stepped away, going beside Klaus, signalling he was done with his little speech. "What happened to their parents?" One burst out. y/n stared at the person who asked that question and she too had that question floating around in her mind for quite some time now. 

"They were suitably compensated," he replied leaning onto his cane. 

Another reporter stuck her microphone in the air. "Are you concerned about the welfare of the children?" 

"Of course.  As I am for the fate of the world." y/n being herself, rolled her eyes and let go of Vanya's hand. She felt she was squeezing it too hard and she didn't want to hurt her best friend. Everyone continues smiling as they take pictures. Typical


Reginald was dead. He died and y/n just heard. She had no emotion at all though. She got an unexpected call from Pogo a few days ago telling her about it, he was devastated and she wanted to be there to comfort him-- and the family if they were going through a crisis with his death. 

Today was a rainy days. Usually on sad days it rains. y/n gripped the steering wheel tightly as she drew closer and closer to the academy. Some part of her never wanted to go back and some of her did. She had this strange feeling in her gut that she needed to go. That something was wanting for her. And no, she felt as it wasn't her siblings.

She put her car in stop and turned it off before removing the key.The sun was now shining brightly as the rain once again vanished only to come back again. Sighing she opened the door and closed it behind her. She ran up to the gate and pushed it opened quickly. y/n stopped and pulled at the doorknob. Thankfully, It was open. 

She ran in and shut the door trying to make as little noise as possible. She looked around and jumped once she heard a car door slam outside. She reckoned it was one of her siblings so she didn't pay to attention to it. y/n stepped more inside near the middle where she leaned on the table. She looked up at the chandelier and took it all its glory. 

The two doors opened revealing Vanya. y/n turned quickly and smiled once she saw her sister she loved. Vanya walked over and gave her a quick hug before pulling away and looking around. "I missed you, Vanya. I'm sorry I left you here, alone," you blurted out, making Vanya turn her attention back to you.

"Its okay, y/n." she smiled weakly. "This place looks the same." y/n nodded, agreeing with her. The academy looked just the same as she had said. Just like it did when y/n left. Horrible and good, sweet memories pilled into her head all at once. She blinked continuously. 

The two of them wandered into the living room and saw their mom sitting on the chair in front of Five's painting, looking at something. "Hey mom," Vanya said. y/n stayed quiet. She looked up aw the picture of Five and tears threatened to come out. She tried her best to hold them back. "Mom?"

Vanya glanced at y/n then back at mom. She was worried and so was y/n about how she was doing. "Vanya? You're actually here." The two looked up to see Allison. "You too y/n." She had told herself that they weren't coming back. She prayed and prayed they would though and there they were.

Allison chuckles softly as she walked down the stairs, her heels clicking with every step. "I'm going to go see Pogo. I'll talk to you later, Vanya." with that y/n turned and walked out of the room. At the moment she didn't want to talk to Allison. 

They had left off on a bad note.


i want this story to be long and really detailed so, sorry if you don't like stories like that. 

hope you enjoyed this <3 vote & comment. 

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