• chapter seven •

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y/n's heart beat increased speed as Vanya glanced over at her for a brief second, letting her know that she has nothing to worry about. "You should ask her," she answered, taking her eyes of the shaking girl in the hall.

"I can't."

His words threw her off guard. "You . . . can't? Why not, Five?"

His eyebrows furrowed together and sadness filled his eyes. "She probably doesn't want to see me. I left her all those years ago by herself. If I was her, I wouldn't forgive me." Five then vanished.

"Go find to him." y/n nodded at Vanya before she ambled up the stairs. She sighed heavily, rehearsing in her head what she was gonna say to him. Would he even care?

She heard Five loudly cursing to himself and pacing around his room. y/n peered her head in his room and he shot his head up. He looked her up and down before sitting on his bed. To him it felt weird seeing her as an adult. "Hey, Five."

Her voice was music to Five's ears. It didn't change much and he still loved it just as much. "Do you need something?" he asked rudely.

"I- I kinda just wanted to talk . . . " y/n choked back a sob. "I've missed you a lot, Five."

"I missed you too y/n." She smiled at his words, feeling butterflies in her stomach like all those years ago. She found it impossible that she still had a crush on Five when he's been missing for seventeen years.

She strolled over to him and tried placing her hand on his cheek but he grabbed her wrist. "Don't y/n."

"It's the least I can do. Please, Five."

They stared into each other's eyes for a second before Five let go of her hand. "I don't want you getting hurt. I still feel guilty for all the pain I caused you."

"You're not the only one who caused me pain, Five. You didn't know. I care about you more than mysel-"

"Don't say that and why didn't you tell me . . . ? You know I would of listened and told the rest to stop," he fumed, grabbing her hand and squeezing it tightly.

She didn't want anyone to know, not even Five. All y/n wanted to do was help people and make them feel better even if the pain was reflected onto herself. She honestly didn't care. She was used to the pain.

"But I mean it. I really do." She raised her hand and rested it in Five's cheek immediately feeling a stinging sensation. He stared down at his hands that were resting in his lap. y/n starting feeling dizzy but she didn't remove her hand. ". . . Five . . ." she whimpered grabbing his knee.

He looked up at her and his eyes widened. Five grabbed hold of her before she hit the ground. "Shit fuck. How is this possible?" he breathed out, holding his love's limp body close to his chest. He picked her up bridal style and placed her on the bed.

y/n had passed out and she wasn't looking good at all. In fact . . . she looked smaller. Five froze and stood up, running out of the room.


"Five, what did you do?" Vanya asked, looking at her brother with an worried glance.

Together they looked at y/n's small body covered in the thick blanket. "I didn't do anything. She was just healing my cheek and passed out. When I looked down she was like that. She's gonna fucking kill me, Vanya," Five grunted ans shoved his hands into his pockets.

Vanya sat on his bed and felt her head. It wasn't hot just a little warm. She wasn't sure if she would wake up sick or not but she prayed she didn't. y/n shifted in the bed making Vanya jump and remove her hand.

"She should wake any minute," she told the boy. All he did was nod.

He didn't show it, but he felt horrible for doing this to his lover and he would do absolutely anything to make things right. "Okay. I'll keep an eye on her. Don't tell the others just yet. Diego will kill me."

"I won't. Be gentle with her. She's been hurting a lot since you left. Now that your back and so is she, she blames herself. I just know it."

Five sat down beside her and grabbed her hand squeezing it lightly. "You can leave now Vanya."

Without a word, she did as the boy said and left, leaving the two alone once again.

y/n groaned and turned over bumping into Five a little. He jerked his head around and looked down at her, smiling a little. Happy she was awake.

"Five? What am I doing in your bed . . .?"

"y/n, you're not gonna believe me if I told you."

She rolled her eyes playfully and flashed him a cute little smile. The smile he lived seeing. "Try me, man."

"Vanya brought you, your old uniform. It's the only thing in this house that'll fit you."

Her smile disappeared and she chuckled lightly and nervously. Old uniform? Why would she ever wear that again? It's way to small for her. Or so she thought. "Excuse me? Is this some kind of joke? Why would I wear my old uniform again?"

Questions floated around her head and she lifted the covers only to see one of Fives shirts wrapped around her tiny body. "Five . . . what the hell did you do!?"

"It was what you did, darling. Somehow when you were healing my cheek you turned back into a child, well, thirteen year old. How that happened, I don't know and I don't plan to find out."

Five felt a million times better now that she was now in a Thirteen year olds body. It made him feel easier, he could kiss her or hug her . . . that was his first idea.

"Why the hell not? I have a life, ya know. I can't show up to work looking like a teenager now can I?" she sighed and removed the covers, sitting next to Five.

y/n grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. She missed this. Missed them. The hole in her heart was filled and she was thankful for that. She wanted to thank Five a thousand times but at the same time, she wanted to slap him and call him a bastard.

Without thinking Five leaned in and planted a kiss on the girls lips. The moment he pulled away they were a red mess. They sat in silence until Five spoke up, "I've missed you," he ran a hand through her hair and rested it on her rosy cheek. "Obviously."

not so proud of this chapter but I hope you like it. ❤️ vote & comment

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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