• chapter six •

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sorry that my writing is becoming trash.. i haven't been in my right mind.

y/n stared at the young teen boy in disbelief. She gripped Klaus's hand even harder as she felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. Her best friend who she hasn't seen for 17 years was standing right in front of her - except . . . he looked the exact same from when he left. He didn't age a bit. how was this possible?

Five let out a low growl and looked at the girl who he once called the love of his life and he too, immediately felt heartbroken. something he didn't feel often . . . well, not often, more like, never. he examined the girl and in the process he saw her holding Klaus's hand. A weird feeling shot through him as he pushed through his siblings.

'what the hell is this feeling?' Five walked into his childhood home with his fists clenched tightly at his sides. He shook his head trying to rid the feeling but it didn't work. Suddenly a vivid image of y/n's eyes appeared in his head and he stopped in his tracks. "Damn it. Only you have this affect on me . . ." Five hissed under his breath and continued his way to the kitchen. 

y/n stood outside, her feet frozen to the ground, Klaus standing in front of her, waving his hand like crazy screaming, 'hello? did you die? come on, i miss you already! if you die, i'm going to sober up to talk to you, you hear me hargreeves?! that's a promise!' Klaus stuck one finger in the air and placed his free hand on his hip. The girl would be awing at this but she was still in so much shook.

Klaus's face softened as tears fell down her scarlet cheeks. She squeezed her eyes shut as Klaus embraced her in a hug, making her feel secure and warmth, the warmth of his heart. "Shh, shh. It's okay y/n. Let's go inside." she nodded and released herself from her best friend before the two headed inside following their siblings. 

y/n wanted to smile at the fact Five had returned but it wasn't at all how she suspected. She was disappointed to be honest. Her heart bleed from inside her chest and it hurt like crazy. More than that time she was 'shot' in the shoulder. Heartbreak hurt more than any pain in the world and she had experienced millions of times throughout her short life. y/n remembered the time Five left out the door. When they said they couldn't find him . . .

Silly girl . . .

Before she knew it, she was in the kitchen with all her siblings gathered around the table staring at Five. He sat a cutting board on the table and turned and padded to the cabinets. y/n immediately felt the need to have one of Five's marshmallow  and peanut butter sandwiches. They always made her smile. They were made full of love . . . "What's the date? The exact date." Five sighed, grabbing the bread.

"The 24th," Vanya answered.

He turned, clearly annoyed of something. It couldn't be Vanya could it . . . ? "Of what?" he barked. Everyone could see clearly that the 13 year old boy in front of them was still just as stubborn as all get out. y/n couldn't help but laugh seeing the small boy in a suit that didn't fit him at all. So adorable . . . 



"So, are we gonna talk about what happened?" Luther pushed asking the question they all wanted to ask but was too afraid to speak up. 

Five placed two pieces of white bread beside each other on the board as the siblings waited for an answer. "It's been 17 years." Klaus observed poor, shaking, y/n who stood with her foot on the wall. She was to busy glaring at Five's cheek which had a small cut on it. She wanted to walk over to him and place her hand on his cheek and heal him but she stopped herself. 

Luther stood from his spot he was sitting and angrily looked at Five who looked back at him with the same amount of anger, possibly more. Five scoffed and lured towards Luther. He was not intimidated by their size comparison. "Its been a lot longer than that."

Five stared at him for about three seconds before he space jumped over to the counter where he proceeded to grab marshmallows. "Haven't missed that."

"Where'd you go?" Diego asked. By his face it looked as if he didn't care what the answer was. 

"The future. It's shit, by the way." 

"Called it." Klaus stuck his index finger in the air and looked at his siblings as if he was proud. Of course the future was shit. The past was shit too and the present. 

Five placed the marshmallows on  the table and went over to the fridge. "I should of listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of dice." 

He was right needless to say. Yeah, y/n has never time jumped or anything but she knew it came with talent. The same talent that took her dear old best friend away. She hated it with all of her gut. y/n wanted to cuss Five out and slap him really hard and call him a prick and a lot more inappropriate names but of course, she didn't. No words could come out of her no matter how hard she tried. 

Five looked up at Klaus and snickered. "Nice dress." y/n too looked at Klaus and forgot about Allison's skirt he was wearing. He sure could pull it off.

"Wait, how did you get back?"

"In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time."

"That makes no sense."

To y/n half of it made sense but then again she didn't know if she was getting it right. Five and her used to sit down and talk about random shit just like that - she always believed Five wanted a smart girl so she tried her best to become what he wanted -. 

"Well, it would if you were smarter." 

As if she was expecting it never to happen again, y/n cracked a smile. A real genuine one. Her smart ass was back. 

Diego stood but Luther pushed him back. 

She ignored the rest of the conversation except for the couple times the name 'Delores' popped up and y/n felt exactly as Five did earlier. Jealous. Jealous of nothing though.


So. Five's 58. Kinda. I think. y/n wasn't paying to much attention to the boy when he was answering everyone's questions. She was she had of though.

She wanted to talk to him but she didn't know how so she sent Vanya in after him. She felt so weak for no working up the courage to talk to the ma- boy she still loved. 

"Nice to know Dad didn't forgot me." How could he, Five . . .? "Read your book by the way. Found it in the library that was still standing. I thought it was pretty good, all things considered. Yeah, definitely ballsy, giving up the family's secrets. . . y/n's secrets. Sure that went over the well."

"They hate me." I don't V and I never will.

"Oh, there are worse things that can happen."

"You mean like what happened to Ben?" 

"Was it bad?" 

"And- um-" Five stammered and took a deep breath. "What you wrote about y/n . . . is it true? Did she really. . . ya know?" 

Oh my God.

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