• chapter three •

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sorry for the long wait. I've been at my aunts and my cousin is crazy 






y/n watched as her two sisters embraced each other in a hug. she smiled. at least she forgives Vanya for what she did. not like some of the others will. they were quite, what would you call it? relentless?

"Ah. What is she doing here?" Diego addressed as the two pulled away from the hug. "You don't belong here not after what you did." He walked past them without making an eye contact. 

i'll punch him later for that, y/n told herself. 

Allison shoved her hands into the pockets of her black pants and turned to the man. "You're seriously gonna do this today?" That was one thing y/n loved about her sister. She always stuck up for them no matter what. Deep down she knew Allison never meant any harm. She just didn't want to admit it. Stubborn child. 

Both of them felt pity as Vanya stared at the ground clearly hurt by her brother. "Way to dress for the occasion, by the way," Allison called after him as Diego walked up the stairway. He indeed was not dressed for a funeral. He was wearing his normal everyday crime hunting suit I guess you could call it. He did get the black down though. 

"At least I'm wearing black." What the fu-

Vanya spoke up. "You know what? I-- maybe he's right- And I shouldn't."

"Forget about him. I'm glad you're here." 

y/n walked out of the shadows and beside Allison taking her place to cheer up the girl. "Me too, Vanya. Diego's just . . . Diego. He's a di-" y/n stopped as she felt Allison staring at her. Am I not allowed to cuss? I'm an adult. 

They both turned to Vanya and she smiled. It might have been a fake one but at least it's a start right? Allison returned the smile and looked towards the other room. "And I'm sorry y/n." 

The (h/c) haired girl turned to Allison and nodded. "Don't worry about it, Ally. I forgive you." I guess. 

Suddenly y/n felt a need to see Klaus. Her best friend. They had seen each other recently. She had always helped Klaus in any way she could. y/n tried her best to get Klaus clean but it never truly worked. She understood why he did it though. Being a Hargreeves isn't an easy life.

Instead of going to find Klaus she went Diego who was fiddling with her other brother. Luther. She padded up the stairs and followed his voice. "I can save you some time. They're all locked," he mocked. "No forced entry. No sign of struggle." 

He was standing in the door way but then pushed off it and walked inside. "Nothing out of the ordinary." Of course he checked. y/n decided to stay behind and let her brothers talk. But she was nosy (sorry) and wanted to hear the conversation.

"Oh, you got big, Luther. Whats the secret, huh? Protein shakes? Low carbs?"

y/n stared at the ground in confusion. She hadn't seen Luther in awhile either. "What do you want?" Luther asked in a low husky voice. A voice y/n didn't recognize. So serious and grown-up. Well, what did I expect? 

She heard the crumpling of what sounded like paper. "The autopsy report." How did he get that? 

"And you have this why?" 

"Well, that's because I . . .  broke into the coroner's office. And surprise, surprise, Dad's death was normal. Just a boring old heart failure." 

"Are you serious?" y/n finally stepped in and Diego looked at her and nodded. Luther didn't dare look up her was too bust examining the papers Diego must have given to him. 

All along she thought someone had murdered him or something crazy but it was just a normal death. Nothing exciting. "Yeah, so?" Luther questioned and acknowledged y/n's existence finally. "y/n," he spoke low and turned to his attention back to Diego.

"So why are you in here?" He motioned to the room and looked around. "Checking all the windows." 

y/n wanted to step in but she knew not too. Luther could fight his own fights and she was stupid to think that he couldn't. "Were you the first one on the scene?" he ignored Diego's question.

"Pogo found him." 

"Yeah, I talked to Pogo. He said he couldn't find Dad's monocle." Stupid Luther with his stupid Theories. She could only bet he worked up one in the process of the death. 

Diego sighed and looked at y/n who only shook her head. A long time ago, when they were little, they got close for a few months. They were inseparable until she started liking Five. After she started hanging with him she just forgot about poor Diego. 

Looking back on it, she ditched a lot of people for Five and all he did was run . . . half of her  regretted it but the other half couldn't. 

if you think about it, every single person in the Academy liked the girl. It wasn't hard. She had a sweet and innocent -sometimes innocent- soul and also very lovable. At some point she was everyone's best friend. None really stuck though. Except Five. He had something she had never seen and she sure did love it.

And she still loved him.

She would do anything just for him to come back. 

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