Homeward bound

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Zak's point of view

It was the next day and waking up to having Catherine (y/n) laying in bed next to me feels amazing. Hopefully today I can leave the hospital and get back home to recover. I love how much Catherine (y/n) really wants to help me but I dont want her to do too much to cause harm to the baby.

I want to protect them both with every inch of my life, to keep them both safe. I placed my hand on Catherine's (y/n) belly, I still can't believe there's a little baby all snug inside of her. I gently moved down the bed trying not to wake Catherine (y/n) up and I kissed her belly where the baby is.

Zak: "daddy loves you so much already little one, you really are gonna be one spoilt little baby and everyone is gonna love you. Especially all of your wonderful grandparents"

I kissed the tiny baby bump

Zak: "you might not know right now, but you soon will. Your mommy is the best mommy you could ever ask for and I hope I'll be the best daddy ever, I'm gonna be there for your first everythings. I'll show you everything and I'll protect you and your mommy until my very last breath and for longer after"

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

As I was slowly waking up in bed, I can hear Zak talking to the baby and I can feel him gently kissing my belly. As I was watching Zak I kept thinking how did I ever get this lucky to have this perfect man in my life, I thank my lucky stars for giving me the chance to meet him and having all of my dreams come true.

Catherine (y/n): "you already are the best daddy for our baby"

Zak looked up at me and smiled, I can also see a hint of a blush on his face

Zak: "how much of that did you hear?"

Catherine (y/n): "I heard it all baby" i kissed him when he came back up to my level.

Catherine (y/n): "I mean it every time I say it baby, you really are the best daddy ever for our baby, I don't know what I'd do without you"

Zak: "I love you both so much, and I know you're worried about me walking out on you and the baby like your birth dad did with you. But I promise you with all my heart and soul I'll never leave you both. You're my whole life"

Catherine (y/n): "We both love you so much already"

Just as I was about kiss Zak again the doctor came in the room to check up on Zak

Doctor: "morning Zak, how are you feeling today?"

Zak: "I feel great thanks"

Doctor: "that's great, let me just check your vitals and then you should be allowed to go"

As the doctor was checking Zak I actually started to feel nauseous. Zak can tell I wasn't feeling to good.

Zak: "you ok baby?"

I shook my head no

All of a sudden I ran to the ensuite bathroom and threw up. The doctor looked at me all puzzled.

Zak: "I think she's ok, she's pregnant"

Doctor: "congratulations to you both, if I where you when you get home book her in to see the OBGYN/midwife they can do check up a on her and the baby then"

Zak: "thanks doctor"

Doctor: "I'll give you both some information that might be able to help with the sickness and a list of foods she can and can't eat"

I eventually came out of the bathroom, god knows how long I've been in there it felt like forever.

Catherine (y/n): "this baby certainly doesn't get it's fussyness from me"

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