Seeing baby Wasley

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Catherine's (y/n) point of view

I don't know how I managed to sleep last night, Every time I closed my eyes I kept seeing my ex Jake and I even dreamed he got into the house. I felt really bad I didn't talk to Zak hearing the pain in his voice was hurting me. When he gets home I'll make it up to him. I just hope he forgives me.

I looked at my phone and saw I had a couple of texts from Zak

Zak: "I'm on my way back home baby, I'll be with you as fast as I can. Please don't run away. I'll always keep you safe baby. I love you ❤❤ xxxxx"

Then another saying

Zak: "please talk to me baby, I need to hear your beautiful voice. I want to see your beautiful smile. I won't be able to see any of that if you run away. I won't be able to live without you and our baby. If anything ever happend to you, I don't know what I'd do. But I know for a fact I'll do everything I can to find you and to keep you both safe. I won't let that bastard lay a finger on you let alone touch you or steal you away from me. I'm gonna keep you safe, forever and always ❤❤❤ xxxxxx"

Just reading that text broke me. I need Zak home, I want him home. As I lay in bed I put my hands on my baby.

Catherine (y/n): "I won't anything happen to you little man, mommy will keep you safe. And so will daddy"

I can feel myself breaking and then I started to cry. As I laid there crying I felt a warm gentle breeze circle me, then I felt someone's hand stroking my hair and then placed a hand on my shoulder.

I instantly thought it was my nan, but when I heard the spirits voice I freaked out a little as I didn't recognise the voice. But then something clicked, it's Zak's dad.

Just like that time in the museum I didn't need a spirit box to hear his voice.

Zak's dad: "Zak begged me to keep you both safe while he's away....I'm here now.....I won't let anything you"

I couldn't believe it, Zak's dad was here and watching over me and the baby. Suddenly I felt his hand rest on the baby bump and as if the baby knew who it was, it kicked for the very first time

I started to have happy tears, I felt the baby kick for the first time. I just wished Zak was here to have felt it first, but this is a amazing experience.

Just as quickly he arrived, he disappeared. Then I heard a gentle knock on my bedroom door.

Morgan: "morning bestie, do you want to come and see baby Wasley with me?"

Catherine (y/n): "definitely, give me a minute to get dressed and then we'll get going"

After getting changed me and Morgan made our way to the hospital for Morgan's scan, after a little wait Morgan's name was finally called.

OBGYN/midwife: "Morgan Cassiani"

Morgan: "here we go"

So we walked in to the room to see the baby.

OBGYN/midwife: "how you feeling today Morgan"

Morgan: "very good thanks, looking forward to seeing the baby"

OBGYN/midwife: "I'm glad, and this lovely lady with you is?"

Morgan: "my best friend Catherine (y/n)"

OBGYN/midwife: "nice to meet you Catherine (y/n), I see you're expecting too"

Catherine (y/n): "yep, I'm 19 weeks so there's a chance you might see me with my fíancé next week for my scan"

OBGYN/midwife: "that's so cool these babies are close together, I think they're gonna be best mates already"

Morgan: "they sure will be"

OBGYN/midwife: "let's check this baby then"

We got to see the baby kicking about whilst the midwife does all the checks. It was soo cool and got me excited to see my baby again.

OBGYN/Midwife: "would you like to find out the sex of the baby Morgan?"

Morgan: "yes please"

Then we waited to hear if it's a boy or a girl

OBGYN/midwife: "congratulations, it's a happy and healthy baby Boy"

Morgan: "I'm having a boy?"

Seeing Morgan's smile made me smile. I'm so happy for her and Jay.

OBGYN/Midwife: "you sure are"

Catherine (y/n): "I'm so happy for you Morgan, can't wait to finally meet him"

OBGYN/Midwife: "do you want a quick scan of your baby Catherine (y/n) or do you want to wait til next week?"

Catherine (y/n): "you're serious?"

OBGYN/Midwife: "yeah, but you'll still have to come in next week for you're actual scan. But I'm happy to check you over"

Morgan: "go on Catherine (y/n), after what happened yesterday you need a little pick me up"

Catherine (y/n): "if you don't mind and if it doesn't get you into trouble"

OBGYN/Midwife: "No it'll be fine. Here are your pictures Morgan, Catherine (y/n) get on the bed and I'll scan you"

As I laid on the bed and got prepared for the scan, all I kept thinking was I hope Zak comes home soon.

OBGYN/midwife: "the baby looks great, all healthy and strong heartbeat. Do you want to know the sex?"

Catherine (y/n): "yes please"

OBGYN/midwife: "congratulations Catherine (y/n) you're having a little boy too"

Catherine (y/n): "oh my god really?"

OBGYN/Midwife: "definitely"

Morgan: "just as you said it was, I can't believe it!"

Catherine (y/n): "Zak will be over the moon"

OBGYN/midwife: "here's your pictures of your little boy Catherine (y/n), hopefully I'll see you again next week for your actual scan. Congratulations you two"

Me and Morgan both thanked the midwife and we headed back to mine and Zaks place.

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