Baby Bagans' first scan

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** Time hop**

Zak's point of view

Catherine (y/n) is now 12 weeks pregnant, I can't believe how quick these last 8 weeks have gone.

Today we get to see our baby for the first time and we both can't wait, each and every day Catherine's (y/n) little bump is getting bigger and the baby is getting stronger. The bad part is Catherine (y/n) is getting sicker with morning sickness and nothing was getting rid of it or easing it.

I woke Catherine (y/n) up gently with a kiss and I kissed the baby bump. When she opened her eyes she gave me the most beautiful smile.

Zak: "morning beautiful"

Catherine (y/n): "morning handsome"

Zak: "how you feeling?"

Catherine (y/n): "I'm ok at the moment"

Zak: "when we go for the scan, maybe we should ask them for advice"

Catherine (y/n): "I don't want to stay in hospital for a couple of days tho baby"

Zak: "I know baby, but if you're dehydrated you have to, think of the baby"

Catherine (y/n): "I am but..."

Zak: "please baby"

I can tell she don't want to stay in but it'll do her and the baby some good to get some medical attention. I'd hate to leave her too but I want my healthy girl back.

Catherine (y/n): "Ok, I'll do it for you and the baby"

I kissed her.

Zak: "that's my girl, come on let's get ready to go to the scan"

I watched Catherine (y/n) as she was getting dressed, she looked so drained. My heart was breaking I feel so guilty that I put Catherine (y/n) in this situation but I feel incredibly proud of her as she was growing my baby, and what she is putting her body through carrying our baby.

Catherine's (y/n) point of view

Me and Zak got into his car and made our way to the hospital for our scan appointment. I feel really nervous and I hope everything is ok with the baby, I've never been this nervous before. I was also hoping I won't have to stay in but with the amount of times I've been ill non stop there's a high chance I might have to.

I don't like the thought of leaving Zak, whilst I have to stay in, as he's still recovering from his car accident, But I know he won't leave me for long.

We arrived at the hospital and we waited in the waiting room to be called in for the scan. As we was waiting I started to feel nauseous again, so I started to take some deep breaths to get rid of the feeling. During this Zak held my hand, rubbed my back and from time to time he would rub my bump. Then finally my name was called.

OBGYN/midwife: "Catherine Masters (y/n)"

Catherine (y/n): "that's me"

Me and Zak walked into the OBGYN/midwifes room

OBGYN/midwife: "I take it you're the father and partner?"

Zak: "yes I am"

Zak looked at me and he was beaming with pride he was practically glowing. I loved it and I love him so much.

OBGYN/midwife: "I'm a very big fan of your show, I watch it every saturday"

Zak: "it's a pleasure meeting a fan, thank you for the support"

The OBGYN/midwife looked at me

OBGYN/midwife: "you are one very lucky girl, and you two make such a cute couple"

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