Visiting Margam Castle

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Zak's point of view

Today Me, Catherine (y/n), Cody and the guys are visiting Margam park's castle the place Catherine (y/n) had her first ghost hunt. I can't wait for us all to see it, looking at photos Catherine (y/n) had taken in the past looks incredible during the day but I bet the feel of the place at night is a total different atmosphere.

We all got into the car and we were on our way to the castle. When we finally arrived there and entered the grounds you can really feel there's a lot of history to this place, but as we walked up to the castle as it came into our view you can really see why it's know to be a highly active building for the paranormal.

Aaron: "wow this place looks spooky"

Jay: "has it always looked like this?"

Catherine (y/n): "yep, inside is pretty much all original too. However the staircase had to have new stairs put in as there was a fire which destroyed the original ones, but even the stairs that are there now are pretty old"

Zak: "is it true about the roof tiles was ripped off the Abbey and was or is part of the roof of the castle?"

Catherine (y/n): "apparently, we'll have to ask the people who work on the ground when you interview them"

Billy: "I've been doing research and it even says a grounds keeper was killed by a poacher on the property"

Catherine (y/n): "I've heard that too, and one of the Ghost hunts I went to here someone actually saw a shadow figure standing outside by the window. Come on the castle is open we can go and have a look in a couple of areas"

Catherine (y/n) took us through the door and before we knew it we was in front of the main staircase.

Zak: "baby where was you standing when you took the photos of the light anomaly?"

Catherine (y/n): "umm"

Catherine (y/n) started looking around and then she pointed up to the balcony where she was standing

Catherine (y/n): "up there, Kev (y/sibling's/n) stood on my left so when you look up as if I'm up there it's on my right side and I was standing right there. Looking down near enough the whole stair case"

I don't know what I was thinking or why, I actually started walking up the staircase

Billy: "Zak what are you doing? We're not allowed up there"

Zak: "wait a minute"

Aaron: "Zak we'll be able to access it all in a couple of days, come back down"

As I started climbing the stairs more a member of staff spotted me

Staff member: "excuse me sir you're not allowed up there"

Zak: "Ok, I'm sorry" I started walking back down the stairs

Staff member: "Oh my god I know who you guys're the Ghost adventures crew"

Aaron: "that's us"

Staff member: "are you going to be investigating the castle"

Zak: "we sure are and with our new member who has even been to two ghost hunts here before"

Staff member: "are you a local girl?"

Catherine (y/n): "I was, I used to live here in Wales"

Staff member: "which ghost hunting company/paranormal investigating team did you do your ghost hunts with?"

Catherine (y/n): "umm a group called Spooktacular"

Staff member: "they always come here, actually they actually had a ghost hunt here a couple of weeks ago and they've even got another one the night before Halloween"

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