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I woke up to the sounds of crying and screaming

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I woke up to the sounds of crying and screaming.

"Is he gonna be okay?? Tell me he's gonna be okay!!"


''W-We wanna see him!!"

"Yo I swear Ima start throwing these hands.

Armin, Jean? What are you guys..doing here?

''We wanna make sure Levi is okay too!!"

Who's voice is that? Wait, Levi. What happened to Levi!?

"I'm sorry but there are no visitors allowed right now. Leave and go wait or I'll have to call security.''

A series of curses and groans were heard before the door closed and it grew quiet.

That's when I felt a familiar hand slip into my own. I forced my eyes open, squinting from the bright lights, and turned to face none other than Levi himself. He seemed to notice I had woken up and gave my hand a squeeze.

I tried moving but immediately stopped when my body ached in pain. I whimpered which caused Levi to open his eyes and look me in my eyes.

"Hey Hey Hey,'' he whispered. ''Try not to move so much. It'll only make the pain worse.''

I stared at him before glancing around the room. It was clear that we were taken to one of the larger hospitals and we were laying in a larger hospital bed together. Our wounds had been properly treated and the TV was turned on to the news. I glanced over to the other side of the room. We must have been on at least the 4th floor of the hospital because the view was fantastic. The sun had just started to rise so we must've been here for the night.

"Eren.'' Levi said snapping me out of my observation. His voice sounded hurt. ''Are you..are you okay?''

I looked at him thinking of what I should do.

Put the mask back on.

'Great. You're still here. But that's not a bad idea.'

Putting back on my best mask I had I was about to answer when the door slammed open.

"You're awake!!" Mikasa shouted running up to my bed with the rest of them following close behind. There were others that I didn't recognize but they must have been Levi's friends he hangs out with. Though I knew they went to our school as well.

"Oh Eren we were so worried!" Mikasa cried.

''Dude I was finna drop kick all the nurses up in this bitch just to get to you.'' Jean said in his normal cocky voice but you could tell that he was deeply concerned for him.

Connie then stepped forwards. ''Are you okay Eren?''

Everyone stared at him, especially Levi, waiting for his response.

'This is about to be the greatest mask I have ever put on'

Eren laughed.

"Yeah! Sorry for worrying you guys. Some nights I like to stargaze outside when everyone is asleep and inside. I like to stargaze on top of the school roof because it's the only building I get get atop without getting sued! I brought Levi along with me since he wanted to see what it was like atop the building. But it was a little warm outside so I took off my clothes. I thought I heard my mom call for me so I looked over the edge of the building, I guess I leaned too close though because my hand slipped and I fell. Levi, being the good friend he is, tried to reach out and grab me but he ended falling down himself!"

Eren looked over to Levi and gave him the brightest smile he could give them.

"Sorry Levi!''

Levi's frown deepend at the lie he told but he only nodded.

Mikasa sighed and knocked Eren upside the head. ''Fucking..idiot.''

Eren winced but was grateful that they bought the lie.

Levi's friend then walked over to Levi and did the same. "Baka..''

Levi chuckled. "Sorry..Erwin.''

They stayed and chatted for while longer. During that time Eren and Levi learned that the only reason they lived was because they fell onto a car instead of the road which softened their landing a bit. Besides their legs being broken they were fine. After that there friendsleft to go and get ready for school. Leaving Levi and Eren alone in the room by themselves.

Levi looked at Eren again. ''Eren I--''

"I know.'' Eren said sadly. ''There's no point in trying hide it from you. And to answer question..''

He grip he had on Levi's hand tightened. "No, I'm not okay.''

Levi scooted closer to Eren.

''Now it's my turn to ask you a question.'' Eren said scooting closer to Levi. ''Why do you care about someone like me?''

Levi managed to smile a little. ''That's easy. Because you..reminded me of myself. We were so alike. But all I did was cut my body. You were pouring bleach into the cuts which would make it 10x worse. I was surprised that day when I heard you moan just from pouring a little into a wound.''

Eren blushed in embarrassment from the memory. ''Oh.''

The two sat in silence for a while until Levi spoke again.

"Why did say 'hold me' that one day in the closet?''

Levi felt Eren tense. "Oh, you remembered that huh?''

The raven haired boy smiled at Eren's flustered face. "Say Eren, it's been a few hours. How are your wounds feeling?''

Eren moved around a little. It stung a bit but it wasn't anything Eren couldn't really handle. Aside from his legs which were both broken and put into casts just as Levi's were.

"Besides my legs I'm okay. Why?''

Levi leaned in closer and crashed his lips onto Eren's.



The Shit I Fucking Go Through [ An Ereri Story] Where stories live. Discover now