Ohshc | Epsiode nine Challenge from Lobalia girls academy!

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(Haha haha ha yah this episode is gunna be fun 😅 anyway no one is here to listen to author chan talk XD rip me 😢 o btw this go excepted for a watties... so yah...... WHAT?)

You sighed as you walked into your classroom and see everyone talking and mingling happily between themselves and smile. You of course were immediately grabbed by the ginger twins.

"What do you two want?" You ask as they fan you.
"We need more instant coffee" they say as they dust you off.
"Why do I have to get it?" You ask.
"Cause your a commoner and we don't know where to get it" they say as they wave you off "be safe" the cue.

"Dam rich people" you say looking down sadly as you shake your head.
"Thanks for helping them out Y/N" a girl says as she walks out.
"It's ok I do wish they'd just bye their own instant coffee tho" You laugh.
"Well I don't think that will ever happen but I'm glad their having a good time" The other girl says with her hands together "and it's all thanks to you" she smiles.

You look over confused as you tilt your head the girls smiling at you.

" we've been in the same class as the twins since middle school and they didn't use to be this cheerful and friendly" the girl with long brown hair says "they were always so quiet and very withdrawn, it was like they were afraid of people getting to close" she explains to you "i don't think they liked school very much, they always seemed so bored by it"

You looked away from the girls and over to the twins, the twins withdrawn? Could there really have been a time like that?

"I think it all changed when the host club started, since then they've come out of their shells little by little" the girl says again.

You smile looking at the laughing twins and shaking the thought away.
It was in your head the whole way to the store, and the whole way back and as you walked with a box full of instant coffee it was still on your mind.
You couldn't imagine the twins different to how they were today, withdrawn and scared sounded more like you then them...
Then again, you changed after you joined the host club aswell.

As you remembered what the girls said about being great full you completely didn't pay attention to your surroundings and slipped on something and as you expected the floor you instead landed in delicate arms.
You open your eyes looking into soft doe eyes.

"It would be a shame for anything to happen to that cute face of yours maiden" the woman beside you says as you were lowered to your knees safely.

You gasp as she calls you maiden and you look at her, she could tell you were a girl? This could be bad.

: A challenge from Lobelia girls academy! :

You walked down the halls the girl beside you as you opened the doors and smiles seeing the host club all dressed up as usual of course but snicker as Tamaki asked 'what do you girls wanna here?'
Dumb move.

"How about something like... I would never leave my lover alone" the girl beside you says s you gasp as she grabs your wrist "if we fight we fight together if we fail we fail together" she says posing.

The hosts look over dumbstruck looks on their faces as they stair at the girl that held you close to her body before getting down on one knee holding her hand.

"And even if I was to die, I promise I will never leave your side my love" she says as she kisses your hand.

The hosts all stair in horror as two new girls walk out to the both of you.

"Benibara we thought you'd never show" a shorter girl with short hair says.
"What are we ever going to do with you" a taller girl with long beautiful hair says "so where did you find this lovely young lady?"
"I just met her outside of the school" the girl says who is aparently Benibara? "Even tho she was dressed as a boy I know right away" she says pulling you into a dip.

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