| Ohshc | Episode Sixteen |

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(Actually one of my favourite episodes right now XD I'm sorry if my chapters have been bad lately 😓 I'm really trying in every chapter to establish a relationship with you and one or more of the hosts so yah also who else be excited for this one? I am and I'm only writing it lol)

You stood there frozen.

"Y/N?" The boy breaths out.
"Ari" you say eyes wide before tearing up.

You run to him as he puts the box away and wraps his arms round you as you jump into them as you two laugh and cry, somewhere between the two.

"I'm so sorry i never should have"
"No it's fine Y/N I'm sorry I ignored you it was so dumb"

You both laugh before freezing as you pull away from the hug and look over.

"They your friends?" He asks.
"Oh yah that's Hikaru Kaoru and that's Tamaki" you smile.

You didn't notice however the glare that Hikaru was sending Ari..

|Operation Y/N and Hikaru's first date!|

"I haven't seen you since graduation" you smile laughing.
"Yah, you cut all your hair off it's a shame" Ari chuckles.
"Really? Well if you knew the circumstances I bet you'd laugh" you giggle.
"So how's Oran treating you?" He asks smiling.
"It's great there really I feel like I'm actually starting to come out of my shell"'you smile.
"And these friends of yours your app in a club together right" He asks smiling.
"Haha yah a host club" you sweat drop.
"Oh really" Ari asks trying not to laugh as you glare playfully.

"Hay Y/N!!?" You look over and see Hikaru waving around his glass "don't you think you should be working? You shouldn't be slacking off!!"
"Misuzu said I could take a break" You call back over at him.
"Wow these Oran guys seem funny, I always imagined it was a whole other world over there" Ari laughs.
"Oh it is alright" you laugh with him.
"Honestly tho Y/N I was really worried about you going to such an elite school" you look over at the smiling brunette "I'm glad to know your doing ok" he smiles.
"Thanks Ari" you smile back.

"IM JUST SAYING" you suddenly look over to see Hikaru yelling "THIS GUY OBVIOUSLY HAS A THING FOR Y/N ITS SICKENING TO WATCH HIM TRY AND FLIRT" he says trying to make it seem like he's talking.
"Hikaru!" You yell "that's outa line and that's not even true Ari liked Haruhi not me!" You yell back.

Everyone stairs at you in shock as you fold your arms and glare at them.

"Yah well she turned me down and I kinda started ignoring Y/N because of it" Ari says nervously "and when she left I didn't even really say sorry" Ari explained.
"It's fine Ari really I should be sorry I was the one who told you to ask her" you smile.
"But despite my feelings for Haruhi something about Y/N always drew everyone in, Maybe it was the far off look she would get when daydreaming or how easily flustered she would get" Ari smiles "I liked that about you I always knew you were special"

And of course Tamaki jumped in before your blushing self could even register that.

"You think they highly of my little girl!? Don't worry I'll never forget you!" Tamaki smiles holding Ari's hands.

As time passed by everyone was sitting around the table as the hosts wanted to hear about commoners schools and you and Ari told them stories.

"Really how unusual to stay out in the country for a school trip" honey smiles.
"Not really" Ari shrugs.
"Hikaru, Kaoru" Tamaki calls "get over here" he smiles.

"No thanks I'm not interested" Hikaru calls back.

Since when has Hikaru ever not been nosey?

"I don't see the appeal in talking about someone's past I mean can't this guy see Y/N clearly wants nothing to do with him"

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