Chapter 18

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"So, Dan", Henri smiled. "How well did you think you performed back there?"

"Ah, well", Dan scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I did the best I could. You?"

"I think I did okay, but all we can do is hope for the best, right?"

The exam between the recommended students had just ended.

Both Henri and Dan had grabbed as many flags as they could and fought as many teachers as they could as well, but they weren't sure how well they had done.

They're all currently sent back to their homes, too, since the teachers need to discuss over the matter. That left Henri and Dan to walk out the school together, though the brunette kept looking back for any sign of Shouto.

He didn't have much luck on that matter, though; it's like he suddenly disappeared after the exam.

Well, not like it could be helped, right?

"But, know, I'm kind of curious about your eyes", Dan pointed out as the two of them approached the gate together with the other recommended students.

"My eyes?", Henri touched his cheek and looked down self-consciously. "What...what about them?"

"It's just...they're really beautiful."

"Oh", the brunette could tell that Dan wanted to say something else, but he decided to hold back to prevent offending him. He really appreciated that. "Thank you."

The green-haired teen just gave him a smile in return, before turning to the side and gasping. "Hey, that's the cafe my friends told me they would wait at!"

The brunette turned to see a remote cafe with pink walls and a big cat emoji put up as a sign at the end of the street, and grinned jovially. "Oh, that happened to be where my best friends are waiting for me, too!"

Dan whistled. "Coincidence? I think not!"

They both ended up giggling at that.

"Seriously, though; I'd like to meet your friends", Dan was the one who finished laughing first, and he said that as he smiled.

Henri blinked, before smiling back at him. "I'd like to meet yours, too."

"Well, let's find them there together!"

"Yeah, let's!"

With that, they ended up running together towards the cafe, only to find both of their friends already interacting with each other.

Maybe this really wasn't a coincidence.


"But, to be honest", Nagisa sipped on his frappe again, before continuing. "I just want someone to take me out."

"On a date, or like...with a sniper?", Stephen raised an eyebrow at the bluenette.

Nagisa shrugged while smiling. "Surprise me."

Izuku frowned worriedly. "That's kind of bad, Nagi."

"Is it?", Nagisa grinned. "Plus, who said I want to be the one who gets killed?"

Hosuh blinked blankly. "If you aren't the one getting killed...then, you'll just use the sniper to sell it for scraps?"

Both Nagisa and Stephen's faces fell flat on the table as they both laughed histerically.

The silver-haired teen stared at them in confusion.

Meanwhile, Izuku sweatdropped. Guys...

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