Chapter 36

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Nagisa felt like he just got vibe checked.

It was like he was shoved inside a blender and spun around, crushed to bits in the process. Hardly makes any sense, but he didn't know any other way to describe it.

However, one thing he noticed when he opened his eyes was; is the sky always been this dark, or is it just me?

It could be that the hood in his hero costume covered his eyes. Nagisa didn't have the energy to check right now. Or maybe if he did, his lungs would explode.

Turns out, it wasn't the hoodie. Mina's pink complexion and worried face popped up within his vision, and he had to blink twice to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. "'You okay, Nagisa?"

The bluenette closed his eyes in an attempt to gather himself. "Define okay."

"'You still breathing?"

Stating the obvious, are we? "Do small, panicked breaths count?"

Mina furiously nodded, grinning. "Yeah. Y-yeah, they count."

"Alright", Nagisa couldn't help but smile, too. "Then I'm okay."

Mina leaned down and gave him a bone-crushing hug across his abdomen, making his lungs squeak in protest. "Hngh--! I...won't be do that! Let go!"

She quickly obeyed while raising her hands in surrender, giggling.

Nagisa just shook his head fondly. Well, at least I know she's okay, too.

Mina helped him sit up, only for him to discover that he was surrounded by his Hero Studies classmates, and...other people wearing UA uniforms.

"Uhh...", Nagisa looked around for an explanation. "Where did they come from? What's going on here...?"

Before anyone could answer, a harsh thud echoed, like a drill embedding to the ground.

He looked up to see a giant scorpion easily the size of a 10-storey building looming over them menacingly.

Everyone ran away from this creature, except for Katsuki who yelled, popping explosions on his palms. "You're not that tough! Come at me, you ************!"

Eijirou turned around and started to freak out. "Bakubro!"

Another person that can turn himself to steel instead of rock, Tetsutetsu, held him back as the explosive blonde went against the giant scorpion, who seemed to be in shock of his stupidity, before hissing, bringing it's stinger up to strike.

Katsuki felt goosebumps on his skin as this terrifying creature went offensive, yet he still pulled the pin of the gauntlet of his left arm at it--

Only to be swept away by another body colliding with him from the side as he let out an explosion that might have fazed the scorpion, judging from it's faint scream.

Two bodies rolled out of the way as the stinger slammed into where Katsuki had been, and Eijirou couldn't help but be thankful that if the intervention didn't happen, the spiky blonde might have died.

Then again, the savior isn't gentle in the slightest.

Katsuki found himself pinned to the ground by the arms as a pair of Azure Blue eyes stared daggers through him. "What were you thinking!? Do you want to die!?"

He blinked owlishly. Nagisa continued to glare for a while, before shaking his head and starting to stand up, pulling the blonde along. "Forget it. It's probably your stupidity again."

Katsuki felt a vein pop--

The scorpion from earlier was doused in acid by Mina, who took Katsuki's action as advice to get to work. Sero went with her, using his tape to bind the scorpion's legs together. The giant scorpion fell with a thud.

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