Chapter 20

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"Well, this is certainly news for us", Dan blinked rapidly--

"How dare you use me for nothing but a tool!", Stephen gasped dramatically while backing away from Izuku.

"Uh...technically, he hasn't used you, or any of us", Nagisa pointed out.

Henri let out a sigh as Hosuh shifted his feet uncomfortably.

The Physical Tests had ended just a few minutes ago, and it left everyone a bit worn out.

Izuku ended up being 7th place, fortunately. Due to his magic, he managed to get through the tests no problem.

Meanwhile, as everyone else had also done a great job, Hosuh had ended up near to the last place. The one who ended up last, however, was someone named Minoru Mineta.

Aizawa turned a menacing stare at the small teen with grapes as hair and then proceeded to scan the class. "By the way, what I did was a logical ruse."

"WHAAAT???", majority of the class screamed.

Nagisa and Stephen had stared at their Raven Black ponytail-haired female classmate, baffled, as she explained that she knew from the very start that it was a ruse.

Then, the bell rang. Tenya yelled at them all to change for them all to get lunch and then participate for orientation.

"Come on", Henri had cheered as he grabbed Nagisa and Izuku by the hand. "We should get there earlier than everyone so that we'd get the more delicious and warm ones!"

"But we don't even know where the cafeteria even is!", Nagisa whined.

Izuku had stayed silent as Dan, Hosuh and Stephen decided to walk with them, before he interrupted their conversation to explain what his newly-acquired quirk does, after making sure that nobody else was eavesdropping.

Which brings us to their current predicament, where they're currently in an empty room to talk in private and settle this between themselves.

That is, if they'll ever actually settle anything.

"Guys, please understand", Henri put a hand on Izuku's shoulder and gave him a smile, before turning his gaze to Stephen, Hosuh and Dan. "He just got this new power, and he's...he's really scared of it, you know. It doesn't help that the quirk places these chess pieces subconsciously, too."

"Wait, subconsciously?", Dan asked, staring at Izuku with a frown. "So, you never actually meant for us to get involved?"

Izuku took a deep breath and nodded, grabbing the ends of his shirt nervously. "I-if I had done it in purpose, I never w-would have chosen my best friends, or any of you guys. I respect you all too much to do that."

Nagisa smiled and put a hand on the greenette's other shoulder, too, before both the bluenette and brunette gave a gentle squeeze at the same time.

Stephen stared at Izuku, before sighing and putting a hand through his hair. "Well, it's not like we could blame you with something you can't control..."

Dan and Hosuh nodded along.

Izuku looked at the three in surprise, before tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Wh--hey, don't cry!", Dan smiled reassuringly while running to him. "We're still friends, okay?"

As the greenette engulfed the fellow green-haired teen in a hug, Stephen approached Henri and Nagisa, and raised an eyebrow at them as he rubbed the white rook tattoo on his right wrist. "So...even if this is the case, how would we reach a compromise on this, since technically, he can control us anytime?"

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