Chapter Eleven

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Lois was more than amazed at what was staring at from her laptop's screen. Caroline had sent a photo of the dress she designed with the caption:

This is what I came up with. I hope you like this. Please, let me know if there are any adjustments you want me to make.

Was she joking? This was perfect. From the shape to the simplicity. This was one of the most beautiful designs she had come across. She couldn't wait for it to come to life. The tailors at Jay's Wears would do a good job. She was already imagining herself in this dress on her wedding day. She'll look so beautiful. Caroline was so gifted. Lois couldn't take her eyes off her laptop screen. She replied to Caroline's message.

This is beautiful. I'm more than excited. Thank you so much. Please send me your account details and name your price.

She'll pay Caroline far higher than whatever price she named. She was no longer stranded as to what to wear. She considered sending the photo to Kelvin, her fiancé but decided against it. She'd surprise him with her dress on their wedding day. She was about to log out of Facebook when a thought came into her mind. She could show this design to Isaac. He'd definitely employ Caroline if he saw this design. This was professional work. She was about forwarding the photo to him, but she thought against it. She'd rather show him the photo in person. She'd give anything to see the look on his face when he sees this and even more when he finds out the designer was the same girl she had called him about.

It was 5:30 am she had one hour and thirty minutes to catch Isaac before he left for work. Grateful his house wasn't far from hers, she shut down her system and hurriedly took her bath.


Isaac Luke was just about leaving for work when he heard the sound of a car drive into his compound. This was unusual as he was the only one who lived here and he wasn't expecting any visitors. He peeked through the blind to get a view of the car that had just been parked. It was a white Ford edge which looked just like the car his sister, Lois drove. Lois came out of the car, clearing any doubts he might have had. She walked towards his doorstep. What was she doing here on a Monday morning? Isaac opened the door just as she was about to knock.

"Hey." Lois grinned; her laptop was open in her left hand. "I just received this work this morning and I couldn't wait one second to show you." She handed him her laptop. What Isaac saw on the phone's screen caught his interest. On the screen was a photo of a well-designed wedding gown. This wasn't a mediocre design. Whoever designed this must have been a professional. This was the kind of design that challenged Isaac. He hardly came across such designs and when he did, he could do whatever it took to get the designer to work in his company.

"Who designed this?" He turned to Lois who was smirking at him, apparently enjoying his astonishment.

"Remember that young girl I told you about? The friend I asked you to help secure a job for."

"The one you said didn't go to school?"

"Hasn't gone to university. Yes, that one. She's really good."

"She's amazing," Isaac knit his brows; his eyes focused on the laptop's screen. "I need to meet her."

Lois grinned. "Are you considering giving her the job?"

"Considering?" Isaac laughed. "I'll do anything to get her on our team of designers. You don't know how much profit this level of expertise will bring. I want to meet her as soon as possible. I don't want another company to get her before we do."

"Thank you, thank you." Lois shrilled as she gave him a tight hug. "You don't know how much this will mean to her. I can't wait to give her the good news. She'll be able to live the life of her dreams, working as a fashion designer in one of the topmost clothing companies in the country." She laughed. "I didn't even tell her about my plans to ask you to give her a job because I wasn't sure it was going to be fruitful. But it turned out to be fruitful. Sorry, I'm talking too much. I'm just so excited."

"It's allowed." Isaac smiled. "You must really like this girl."

"She's such a sweet girl. You need to meet her."

Thinking of it, Isaac wanted to meet the person behind this design. "You said she has a secondary school certificate, right?"

"Yes. She does."

"Okay." It'll be difficult to get someone with so little qualifications their team of designers.

"Is there a problem?" Lois asked.

"The thing is, the company has very high requirements when it comes to employment because of the numerous applications we get. Employing someone like her will be very difficult. You know it's not my decision alone, to make. The board will be very much involved in such a matter."

"So, what do we do?"

"Well, I don't think involving the board will favor her. The company is very strict when it comes to matters like this. That's why when you called, I gave you a straight answer because these kinds of things are non-negotiable."

"I see." Lois gently placed her laptop on a nearby stool. "What's going to happen?"

"I think I have an idea. We'll give her a lower job with lesser requirements."

"What? That won't be nice, Isaac"

"Just calm down and let me finish," Isaac gave her a reassuring look. "We'll give her job with lesser requirements and still let her design, but we'll pay her much higher salary. Then we can organize a way for her to get a part-time diploma and when she's done with that, she can then officially work as a fashion designer."

"Brilliant!" Lois grinned. "You've always been a genius. Thank you so much, Isaac."

"Don't mention." Isaac grinned. "What are siblings for." He glanced at his wristwatch. It read five minutes past seven. "I have to run, I'm running late.

"Sorry I took your time."

"No problem. There are snacks in the kitchen, you can help yourself. You've got the spare keys. Right?"


"Don't forget to lock the door when you're leaving," Isaac winked.

"Of course, I won't." Lois laughed.

"Say hi to kelvin for me." He picked up his briefcase. "Love you." He rushed out the door.

"Love you." He heard Lois reply as he hurried to his car and drove off.

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